Tag Archives: Zubair Meenai

JMI Professor gets Shastri Indo Canadian Collaborative Institutional Research Grant


Prof Zubair Meenai of the Department of Social Work, Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) has been awarded the Shastri Indo Canadian Collaborative Institutional Research Grant, 2019-20. He shall collaborate with Prof Christine Walsh of the University of Calgary, Canada to conduct research on “Care Reforms in India: Operationalising the ‘Best Interest of the Child’ in the Child Protection Decision Making System”.

A team of researchers from India and Canada shall be focusing on the research during the two year grant.

Prof. Zubair Meenai’s team includes Prof. Sheema Aleem and a research scholar whereas the Canadian team headed by Prof. Christine Walsh includes Prof. Dorothy Badres and Angelique C. Jenney of the University of Calgary, Canada.

Prof. Meenai is also the Director of Centre for Early Childhood Development and Research of the university.

source: http://www.jmi.ac.in / Jamia Millia Islamia / Home / by Ahmed Azeem / April 16th, 2020