Patna, BIHAR :

Despite facing the challenges of global pandemic of Covid-19, lockdown and extraordinary interruptions in academic activities,the students of Rahmani30 have set record success in this year’s commerce field with 100% students qualifying for CSEET (Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test), 10 qualifying CA Foundation and 4 cracking CA Intermediate Exams. The BSEB class 12th results were excellent with 100% students scoring more than 75 %( Distinction).
A Company Secretary is a senior position in a private sector company or public sector organisation. Also known as Compliance Officers, it is one of the positions that is a part of the key managerial personnel (which usually includes the CEO & CFO) of any company. Company Secretary is a statutory position as every listed company and every other company having paid up share capital of rupees 10 crores or more shall have a full time company secretary in their board as per section 203 of Companies Act 2013.
Chartered Accountancy is a challenging profession that offers practice or job opportunities in the areas of accounting, auditing, corporate finance, project evaluation, and company and other business laws, taxation and corporate governance. The multi-faceted knowledge a chartered accountant enjoys through unique academic programme blended with practical training is what the business and industry need in the advent of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation of Indian economy. The scope for this lucrative career is bright in an economically developing nation like ours and as such the career can be termed as challenging and rewarding for competent professionals in the field. Chartered Accountancy Course is a professional course in Accounting introduced in our country in 1949, with the enactment of the Chartered Accountants Act. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) was formed the same year.
The Rahmani Program of Excellence (Rahmani30), under its mentor organization, the Rahmani Foundation, is effectively turning the educational desperation of the minority community into hope and confidence, making its learning process more effective with each passing year.
Fahad Rahmani (CEO Rahmani30) said that this achievement is definitely due to the tireless efforts and efficient Academic leadership of former DGP of Bihar, Mr. Abhyanand sir and his guidance as well as the tireless hard work of the faculties, management and other team members.
Rahmani30 has emerged as one of the premier institutions for preparation of IIT, JEE, CS, CA, CLAT and NEET in recent years.
source: / Muslim Mirror / Home> Positive Story / by Special Correspondent / December 05th, 2021