On Thursday, Jan Brothers, a well-known company in the Nawayat community of Bhatkal, inaugurated its new and luxurious head office on the 8th floor of the Gold Souq Metro building. The inauguration took place with prayerful words here in Dubai.
Situated in close proximity to the New Gold Souq, this location not only serves as the head office but also houses the wholesale showroom of Jan Brothers. The move to the Gold Souq Metro building follows the company’s presence in Dera Fakhri Market, Al Raas, and the Gold Souq.
Moulana Irshad Africa officiated the inauguration ceremony with a prayer, blessing the new head office.
The event saw the participation of Jan Haroon Rasheed, the caretaker of the company, Jan Maktoum, CEO of Jan Brothers, along with other company officials such as Jan Fauzan and Jan Abdul Azim. Additionally, Jan Muhammad Nabit, Jan Muhammad Nihal, Jan Muhammad Shaman, and various other staff members of Jan Brothers graced the occasion.
source: http://www.english.varthabharati.in / Vartha Bharati / Home> Gulf / by Vartha Bharati / December 28th, 2024
The third edition of the Nawayath Cricket League (NCL) commenced in Mangaluru on Monday, September 18, held at the ‘Perfect Pass’ sports arena in Falnir.
This three-day cricket tournament is exclusively organized for students and young professionals hailing from Bhatkal and its surrounding areas who are currently residing in Mangaluru.
The event is being overseen by students residing in the Bhatkal Jamatul-Muslimeen (BJM) hostel. Seven teams have entered the competition, which will come to a conclusion with a closing ceremony on September 20, following the final game.
The tournament format comprises a group stage where each of the seven teams competes against the others.
The top four teams from this stage will progress to the next round, which mirrors the format of the Indian Premier League (IPL), featuring Qualifier-1, Eliminator, Qualifier 2, and the Grand Finale.
The tournament boasts ‘Spider Group’ as its title sponsor, with prominent Bhatkal businessmen Arshad Mohtisham, of Mohtisham Complexes Pvt. Ltd., Imtiyaz Damda of ILFA Realtors and Aziz Akrami of Spider Group also being notable sponsors.
source: http://www.english.varthabharati.in / Vartha Bharati / Home> Karavali / by Vartha Bharati / September 19th, 2023
United Arab Emirates, located in the desert, is one among the few places in the world which can be termed as heavenly, with skyscrapers, thrilling roads, beautiful locations and facilities. NRI entrepreneur and educationist from the town, Dr S M Syed Khalilurrhman, has made India proud by succeeding in getting identified as one among the 100 smartest people in UAE.
The weekly, ‘Arabian Business’ being published from Dubai in English and Arabic, has brought out a special issue titled ‘The 100 smartest people in the UAE’. By including Dr Syed Khalilurrahman in the list, the magazine has brought global fame to this town.
pix: bhatkallys.com
Dr Khalilurrhman, who is fondly and commonly identified by the general public here with the name, ‘C A Khaleel’, belongs to Nawayat community from here. The fact that he has risen to being distinctively endowed with the honour of being one of the most smart persons in the UAE has brought laurels not only for the Nawayat community here, but for Kannadigas and Indians. Khaleel evinces lot of interest and concern in international trade, social service, and education of poor children. He rightfully deserves the honour that has come seeking him.
Being in UAE, Khaleel is involved with business field that has been attuned to serve demands of the modern era. On account of his intelligence and close observational powers, he has grown tremendously in stature, and therefore, has been counted among the 100 most intelligent, clever, and wise persons of UAE. Incidentally, this list has 12 persons of Indian origin, and Khaleel has an outstanding personality because of his diverse interests.
Khaleel Saheb, who went to the Gulf in 1978, on account of his unshaken faith and affection on Galadari family, took Galadari Company to dizzy heights with his meritorious service for 30 years. Currently he has been active in his profession as the founder chairman of K&K Enterprises General Trading Company, Sharjah. He has also been serving as president of a number of educational and social service organizations in Karnataka and elsewhere.
Even when being in foreign soil, he always throbs to the needs of India, particularly his hometown, Bhatkal. He has organized a number of programmes in the town to strengthen harmony between Hindus and Muslims. He always keeps thinking about ways and means to relieve the youngsters from worries about unemployment problem, and towards this end, has been planning an industrial revolution in his native place. In his addresses, he has been expressing about the need of medical education here, and the need to establish a good hospital. This worthy son of Nawayat community has won several awards and honours and they come seeking him. He is the recipient of prestgious ‘Rajyostava Awad’ of Karnataka government, honorary doctorate of Aldersgate College, Ireland, and countless felicitations and honours, all of which go to showcase his imposing achievements and exemplary personality.
pix: daijiworld.com
Syed Khaleel is credited for being one of the first few chartered accountants from the town. Besides being known for his expertise as an expert in finances, he also is a popular leader in social service, religious, and educational circles. He has served as president of well-known organizations from here like Anjuman educational institutions, Rabita Society etc. Khaleel has won over unbridled love and respect of people from all the communities. He encourages total support for the education of girls and has built mammoth educational institutions. A number of influential political leaders, social and religious heads are in the circles that are close to Syed Khaleel.
In the past too Khaleelurrahman has been conferred with a number of honours and rewards.
Other Indians who have found themselves in the said list include Thumbay Mohidin of Thumbay Group, Rizwan Sajan, chairman and founder of Denube group, Yousuf Ali of Lulu Group, Sunil John, chief executive officer of Asda Barsen-Marstella, Dr B R Shetty, founder of NMC Healthcare, chief executive officer and founder of Plan B Group, Harmeek Singh, chief executive officer of Cocoon Centre for Aesthetic Transformation, Dr Sanjay Parashan, Lasic surgeon, Dr Pramod Was Hekar, managing director of VPS Healthcare, Dr Shamsheer Vayalil, and Sunny Warki, chairman of Gems Education.
source: http://www.daijiworld.com / Daijiworld.com / Home> Top Stories / by Yahya Hallare / by Daijiworld Media Network – Bhatkal (SP) / September 22nd, 2017
This is expected to boost the writing of people belonging to Nawayat community from Bhatkal, who use the Persian script to write their unique language ‘Nawaiti’ — a rare language and script.
Karwar :
A 1,000-year-old language is complete only now after a team of software engineers from Mumbai developed three of its characters to crack its Unicode script.
This is expected to boost the writing of people belonging to Nawayat community from Bhatkal, who use the Persian script to write their unique language ‘Nawaiti’ — a rare language and script.
Nawayat is an Indian-Muslim community, which lives in Bhatkal of the Uttara Kannada district.
Mohammed Mohsin Shabandri, a community member, pointed out that due to three missing characters in Unicode fonts, people were not able to write as they pronounced.
“About three years ago, we decided to develop these three characters and called a meeting of Nawaiti-speaking people. After eliciting their opinion and conducting proper research, we finalised three new characters,” he said.
“Nawaiti is an endangered language. Three months ago, we approached a software development firm in Mumbai. After studying the language, they developed phonetic characters and its software, which is called ‘Nawayat language solution’,” he said.
source: http://www.newindianexpress.com / The New Indian Express / Home> States> Karnataka / by Arunkumar Huralimath / Express News Service / January 16th, 2019