Syeda Farhath Fatima, Founder and CEO of, is a role model for many young people. She is currently a first-year BCA student at Saketa Degree College and a member of incubator cohort A-23.
Plus Love is a plus-size-focused clothing brand based in India. “WE CREATE, CRAFT, AND CUSTOMIZE CLOTHES.” At, they are dedicated to providing an exceptional and empowering fashion experience for individuals of all sizes. One standout feature is their custom design service, allowing you to become the designer of your own fashion journey.
The Interesting Journey of Entrepreneur Syeda Farhath Fatima
In today’s world, it’s challenging to find plus-size clothing. Syeda noticed her loved ones who were a little overweight struggling to find the perfect fit, and she thought, “Why am I not doing anything for them?” or as the saying goes, “Jaha chah hai waha rah hai” (Where there is a will, there is a way).
“Business Development Service EdVenturepark opened an application for cohort A23, and I applied for it. Alhamdulillah (praise be to the almighty), I got selected. I knew about EdVenturepark since my time at Code for India Foundation, where I was learning data analysis with machine learning. So, yes, I’m a data analyst too. My journey started during the 3-month cohort at Code for India when I completed my course in data analysis. Then I applied for the EVP pre-incubation program. A person like me, without business knowledge, still had that spark to do something for people and solve their problems, which led to the creation of the clothing brand Pluslove.”
“It is true that everyone has problems, and it is also true that every problem has a solution. If this is the reality of life, then why not focus on solutions rather than problems.” is a size-inclusive clothing brand where you can find your perfect fit. They provide stylish, designer ready-to-wear clothes. They create, craft, and customize just for you. Their goal is to see smiles on their customers’ faces and boost their confidence. They believe that what we wear can make us feel better, more comfortable, and more confident.
One of their standout features is the customization service, allowing you to become the designer of your own fashion journey.
Challenges Faced on the Journey
Syeda faced numerous challenges while building her brand, such as being unfamiliar with the textile industry and struggling to find fabric and tailors. She was the sole person responsible for end-to-end tasks in the company and had to oversee every aspect.
Throughout this journey from a raw idea to, her mother (Ammi) provided immense support and encouragement. She is deeply grateful to her mother and her family members, especially her aunt, siblings, and her mama.
Syeda also mentioned Meraj Faheem sir, who gave her the opportunity at “EdVenturepark” where she fulfilled her dream. Her dream and passion to solve people’s problems in finding their perfect fit were supported by Ilyas sir, who was always there for her when she needed help, and her friend Huda Hajera, her entire EVP team, and her fellow A23 cohort mates.
She expressed her feelings of joy, saying, “I’m very grateful to have such people in my life. Thank you, everyone, for being a part of my life.”
Soon, they will be launching their catalog and opening up opportunities for designers, tailors, and B2B collaborations.
Their mission is to empower women by providing employment opportunities without the need for education certificates or degrees, focusing solely on skills that enhance creativity and innovative ideas. Training facilities are also available for students and others.
For more details or inquiries, please contact +91 9390782010, Email ID:
source: / The Hindustan Gazette / Home> News> Motivational Story / by Shifa / October 26th, 2023
Diwali melas, Ramzan fasts and Christmas feasts went together at Hyderabad’s Nasr School. With her passing on August 16, a quixotic idea seems to have died too.
Courtesy Nasr School/Facebook
Once a week around midday, Maulvi Sah’b would come in through the gates of our school in Hyderabad and class would divide briskly into two and troop off to different parts of the building. Those who were Muslim would be at religious instruction classes with him for the next half hour while the others trudged through moral science lessons. Something similar happened during language classes. We would hear a singsong chorus of “A-salaam-aleikum, Aunty”, from the Urdu classroom as we sat at our Sanskrit or Telugu lessons.
Through my nomadic childhood, I’ve been at many schools. None exemplified the idea of secular India as intensely as this Muslim school in Hyderabad. Begum Anees Khan, who made it so, died in Hyderabad on August 16. Her passing feels symbolic, as if it signifies the death of a quixotic idea.
Anees Khan was not given to seeking the limelight or making speeches. She never spelled out her secularism. It was instinctive: instead of words, there was action. Students of different faiths did their namaz or prayers separately, everything else together. Religion was not denied, but it was shown its rightful place.
When we were at Nasr School, we took all of it for granted, never suspecting goals or visions or manifestoes. It seemed natural for us that school should have both namaz and Diwali melas, that our classmates would fast during Ramzan and feast at Christmas. Maybe this is the reason for my rage and incomprehension when people around me casually describe neighbourhoods and towns as having “too many Muslims” in the way people might say “too many mosquitoes”.
It was not an easy act to pull off in the Hyderabad of the 1980s. Communal riots began on the flimsiest of pretexts and fear would ripple through the school. I remember panic-stricken phone calls to car-owning parents, who arrived and carried away groups of girls to drop them home before the riot came too close. The next day, we would return to school as if nothing had happened.
The school was identifiably Muslim: there was a signboard over the main gate with the name of the school, which means “Victory” in Arabic, inscribed below with a line in Arabic from the Koran, that means, “With God’s help victory is near.” Though murderous vigilantes didn’t roam the streets then, as they do now in certain parts of India, it was still a city divided down religious lines. Creating a school like Nasr was an act of wild courage and imagination.
Begum Anees Khan was born into the Muslim aristocracy of Hyderabad, and was an outlier who broke away from the feudal indolence that, according to an insider, characterised this world. Running a business was unheard of, the genteel lived off inheritances. It was in this milieu that Anees Khan began Nasr in 1965 as a small school in her garden. It became a family enterprise where gradually her sister, her husband, her two daughters and her son became involved. (There are now four branches, including a charitable school.)
Courtesy Nasr School/Facebook
My classmate Saira Ali Khan, whose older sister Fauzia was in that first lot of students along with Anees Khan’s youngest daughter, says there were few other English-medium options for girls then. Most schools were convents where Muslims didn’t want to send their children. Because Anees Khan was one of their own, conservative Muslims felt safe enough to send their daughters to Nasr School even though it was not a religious institution, nor was it exclusively for Muslims. In an act of daring, Anees Khan made it co-educational, but perhaps this was the one dream she had to sacrifice. By my time it was all-girls, though some of the teachers were men.
When I joined it in the 1980s, Anees Khan’s own home stood to the right of the school building. This was an old white mansion with an inner courtyard behind the raised entrance, and a playground in front of it. Lines of casuarina trees stood like sentries along the playground, and at the gate was a shack for us to buy deliciacies such as churan and sweets.
Mrs Khan presided over this little empire with the elegance and style that the British queen with her dumpy handbag and hat could only have aspired to. Elahé Hiptoola, a classmate of mine (producer of films such as Hyderabad Blues, Dhanak and Modern Love Hyderabad), has a vivid memory of Mrs Khan’s chiffon saris, her perfume, the remarkable way she exuded authority without ever raising her voice. I remember her telling us to give time and thought to our written signature – it had to make a statement, it was not merely the writing of your name. I wonder now if these were ways in which she had to assert her own identity, with calm firmness, within her deeply conservative world.
Reconciling differences in the school must have taken a great deal of effort for Anees Khan. A few of my classmates arrived in burqas, which they swiftly shed to reveal our standard-issue olive-green tunics or the white sports uniform. There were great disparities in income levels – many students were from landed, feudal families, while others came from humbler backgrounds. There was much swapping at lunch between tiffin-boxes containing venison, dry fruits, and salan, and those with parathas or idlis.
To make sure everyone could afford the school, fees were kept absurdly low, exercise books and stationery were free. Textbooks were handed down from one class to the next until they fell apart from doodles and grease. Even those who could afford new books had to have used ones. Each of us had a desk with a lock and key and we had to leave our books at school, carrying home only the ones we needed.
I now marvel at the imaginative ways by which Mrs Khan taught us to be spirited and daring, to look after our possessions, start small businesses, care for animals, and most of all, enjoy life. During the cool months, classes were cut in half and you could do what you pleased – provided you actually did something, such as painting or gardening or acting.
She made us start a plant nursery, look after animals such as rabbits and geese, collect money and cook food to sell during the Diwali melas. The teachers were given a free hand and some, like Chandra Dorai, our brilliant English teacher, spent whole afternoons making us write stories instead of attending to our grammar books or set texts.
Long before words like creativity and can-do became common currency, Anees Khan had made them a way of being. “It was a girls’ school,” said Elahé Hiptoola, “but she did not keep us secluded or confined. We were sent off to dance at the Asian Games. There was a school trip to Kashmir. She emphasised creativity and originality. She was far ahead of her time.” Very little discipline was enforced, though Hiptoola remembers being summoned to the principal’s room on occasion, and standing outside the thick green curtain at the door of her office, heart thumping, wondering what she had done.
My own memory of this ordeal has crept into my novel, The Earthspinner, which has a character based on Anees Khan. In the book she is called Tasneem Khan, and she has summoned a young student to her room. After their conversation, “she dismissed me with a wearily elegant motion which was both a wave and a gesture towards the door… Her green-blue eyes, usually watchful and impersonal, seemed amused, and maybe she was even smiling a little as she returned her gaze to the open file in front of her.”
What mattered to Begum Anees Khan was humanity, not religion. The school she created was in miniature the secular country that was dreamed up in 1947. With her death, she no longer has to suffer witnessing the destruction of that ideal.
With inputs from Elahé Hiptoola and Saira Ali Khan.
Anuradha Roy is a writer.
source: / / Home> Idea of India / by Anuradha Roy / August 20th, 2023
When we talk about Baseball, India is not the country one would think about, but the game is not only catching up in the country, but India also has an internationally recognised umpire.
Meet Shaheen Begum, India’s first internationally recognised baseball umpire.
source: / The Cognate / Home> Sports / by Shaik Zakeer Hussain / March 20th, 2020
The center was established in February 2021 by Faiz Aam Trust and Siasat Millat Fund with the aim to provide assistance to the residents of Osman Nagar.
Dr Mateen ul Jabbar Skill Centre
The convocation ceremony of Dr. Mateen ul Jabbar Computer and Skill Development Center located in Osman Nagar held at the office of Faiz-e-Aam Trust.
The center was established in February 2021 by Faiz Aam Trust and Siasat Millat Fund with the aim to provide assistance to the residents of Osman Nagar in Shaheen Nagar locality, which were severely affected by floods. In response to the devastating situation, the Faiz-e-Aam and Siasat Millat Fund initiated relief efforts, and under the guidance of Editor Siasat Mr. Zahid Ali Khan, Secretary, Faiz-e-Aam Mr. Iftikhar Hussain, and Managing Editor Siasat Mr. Zaheeruddin Ali Khan, various courses were taught to boys and girls to help rehabilitate and empower them.
Through this initiative, kits containing essential items such as masonry, bedding, medicines, and food were distributed to flood victims. Later, the Dr. Mateen Al Jabbar Computer and Skill Development Center was established, providing training opportunities for local students and individuals. Seven batches have already completed their training at the center and are now employed in Amazon, schools, colleges, supermarkets, and shopping centers, contributing to their families and society.
Mr. Iftikhar Hussain, Secretary of Faiz Aam Trust, praised the efforts of Zahid Ali Khan and Zaheeruddin Ali Khan in their vision to empower the youth and residents of Osman Nagar. The Skill Development Center has been instrumental in providing training and employment opportunities to numerous girls, a majority of the center’s beneficiaries.
During his address, News Editor, The Siasat Daily, Mr. Amer Ali Khan emphasized the importance of discipline, time management, for a bright future. He said “in the pursuit of success and development, discipline, time management, and hard work play crucial roles in shaping the younger generation of any community. Time management is a concept that has been emphasized in various organizations. However, this concept is not new; Islam introduced it 1445 years ago through the five daily prayers, serving as a prime example of time management and discipline.
He stated that Indians and Muslims in particular possess inherent abilities, and what they need is proper guidance. He compared children to diamonds that need shaping and polishing to shine. Khan highlighted the success stories of thousands of Muslim boys and girls who now serve in multinational companies.
He encouraged the youth to develop artistic skills and acquire practical knowledge, inspiring them to collaborate and establish start-ups.
Certificates were awarded to 66 students during the ceremony, and the efforts of Ms. Ayesha Samad, who provides diligent training to the students, were highly commended. Syed Abdul Sattar, Manager of Faiz Aam Trust, expressed gratitude to everyone involved and extended a vote of thanks to conclude the event. The Dr. Mateen ul Jabbar Computer and Skill Development Center stands as a testament to the power of education and empowerment in uplifting communities.
source: / The Siasat Daily / Home> News> Hyderabad / by Zahed Farooqui / July 30th, 2023
The Urdu Academy Jeddah, in collaboration with the Hyderabad Education Center, organized a gold medal and merit certificate distribution ceremony for SSC top-performing students and best teachers from Telangana government Urdu medium schools. The event was held at the Education Center in Nezampet, Bownampally on Saturday.
The ceremony was presided over by Mr. Saleem Farooqui, Founder and Patron of the Urdu Academy Jeddah, and Mr. Sheikh Ibrahim, President of the Urdu Academy Jeddah.
The guests included General Secretary Syed Naeemuddin Bari, Manwar Khan, Qudrat Nawaz Baig, Vice President of Hyderabad, Ahmeduddin, Rifat Siddiqui, and Mohammad Bashir Ali.
The event began with a recitation from the Quran by Hafiz and Qari Syed Naeemuddin, followed by a Hamd (praise of God) and Naat (praise of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) by Hafiz Ameenuddin Ansari.
Special tributes were paid to the late Mr. Syed Jamalullah Qadri, former President, and Mr. Asif Samadani, former Patron-in-Chief, for their invaluable contributions to Urdu language and literature.
The event continued with the distribution of gold medals to top-performing SSC students and certificates of appreciation to outstanding teachers.
The distinguished guests included Mr. Obaidullah Kotwal, Chairman of Telangana Minorities Finance Corporation, Mr. S.A. Ashkour, Director of Ma’arif University Osmania, Mr. Haqayuqur Rahman Baig, Coordinator of All India Congress Committee, and Mr. Imtiaz Ishaq, former Chairman of the Minority Financial Commission.
Ms. Saadia Fatima Khan from Maharashtra, representing the Urdu Academy Jeddah, conducted the ceremony with great skill. She extended a warm welcome to the guests of honor, patrons, and attendees, expressing gratitude for their continuous support.
The Urdu Academy Jeddah has always strived to support Urdu medium students, teachers, and schools. Their efforts aim to promote and preserve the Urdu language. The academy’s dedication has illuminated the path of knowledge not only in Hyderabad and Telangana but also in other cities, spreading the light of education.
The ceremony concluded with the announcement of awards for 25 students who achieved top grades in the SSC exams, including gold medals and cash prizes. Twelve outstanding teachers and two exemplary schools also received honors, including shawls and mementos.
Prominent figures at the event emphasized the importance of creating a supportive home environment for learning, encouraging families to maintain a library at home. The ceremony was a celebration of academic excellence and a tribute to the ongoing efforts to promote Urdu language and education.
source: / Radiance News / Home> Pride of the Nation / by Radiance News Bureau / July 03rd, 2024
A Hyderabad girl, Ayesha Sultana, has emerged as one of the Telangana inter toppers. She scored 99 percent.
Out of 1000 marks in all subjects in the first and second years of intermediate, she scored 990.
How did the Hyderabad girl become one of Telangana inter toppers?
A student of St. Joseph’s Junior College in Hyderabad, Ayesha Sultana became one of the Telangana inter topper after scoring 100 percent marks in botany, zoology, and physics.
In chemistry, she scored 59 out of 60 marks in the first year, whereas in the second year, she scored 100 percent in the subject.
It was in the languages, English and Arabic, where she lost nine marks.
Telangana intermediate results
Today, the Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) announced the much-awaited results for the first and second years of intermediate.
The pass percentage for the first year is reported at 60.01 percent, while for the second year, it stands at 64.19 percent. Notably, female students have outperformed their male counterparts in both the first and second year exams.
The incredible achievements of the Hyderabad girl Ayesha Sultana, one of the Telangana inter toppers, inspire all students.
According to officials, the Inter Advanced Supplementary Examinations will start from May 24 to June 1. The TSBIE has released the schedule to this extent. First year exams will be held from 9 AM to 12 PM, and the second year exams will be held from 2 PM to 5 PM.
The examination fee for the supplementary examinations will be collected from April 25 to May 2 in the respective colleges. Fees for recounting and reverification also have to be paid online at the same time.
source: / The Siasat Daily / Home> Top Stories / by Sameer Khan / April 25th, 2022
Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi fondly refers to girls as Bharat ki Beti. One such Bharat ki Beti Uzma Fatima, 26, an assistant engineer at the Srisailam Power Plant in the Telangana State left a blazing trail of bravery as she saved 4 of her colleagues from the fire reportedly caused due to short circuit a few days ago.
Modi also says: Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (Save girl child, educate girl child). Young Hyderabadi Uzma’s bravery can make us say: Beti Padhao, Beti Bachaati (Educate girl child, she will save you)!
Thousands of girls have been raped and burnt to death. Many others have been burnt to death for dowry. But when girls get a chance, they save the families and the nation. Uzma Fatima was a notch higher in the sense that she saved those 4 colleagues, who were not even her own family. She put humanity first!
Uzma Fatima’s father Mohammed Zubair runs a footwear business at Chappal Bazar in Hyderabad. He has three daughters and a son. The elder daughter is married. Uzma Fatima was his second daughter and was unmarried. His youngest daughter is in the eighth standard.
Mohammed Zubair’s son Mohammed Minhaj who is a degree college student told that his family is in a state of shock due to the sudden tragedy. According to him, Uzma Fatima was working in Srisailam Power Station as an Assistant Engineer for the past four years. The CCTV footage of the fire accident shows that Uzma had come out of the fire engulfed place. According to the survivors, she saved 4 (four) of her colleagues. She went back to bring out the other assistant engineers trapped there. She could not come of the tunnel along with eight other colleagues. The brave engineers perished in the fire.
It may be recalled that women were finally given combat roles in the Indian Army after a long struggle. Uzma’s sacrifice proves that women are second to none in bravery. Women are our best bet to save our country within and on our borders. Rani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi proved her bravery in the battlefield against the British. Every girl in our country is a potential Rani Laxmi Bai. They prove it when they get chances. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi may certainly be feeling proud about the sacrifice of Bharat ki Beti Uzma Fatima.
A fitting tribute to Uzma’s memory would be institute a gallantry award her name and also rechristen Srisailam Power Plant as Uzma Fatima Power Plant. It will not only generate electricity but it will also generate bravery for our future generations of girls to emulate.
The Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR) should pay tribute to Telangana’s daughter Uzma Fatima by naming a major road in Hyderabad after her. The Malakpet Railway Station near her residence can be named as Uzma Fatima Railway Station. Are Modi ji and KCR Garu listening?
source: / Beyond Headlines / Home> Real Heroes / by Dr. Ahmed Moinuddin Siddiqui / August 25th, 2020
12-year-old Tania Begum is working as an ambassador of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World – India.
Tania Begum
Hyderabad :
“Who among you smokes?” Standing amidst the bustling Amberpet market, a little girl confronted a group of five to six people with this simple question. As the crowd pointed to one of them, she fearlessly launched into an impassioned speech about the adverse effects of cigarettes.
When not all kids of her age know much about addictions, 12-year-old Tania Begum is working as an ambassador of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World – India. Tania’s mind was sparked by the advertisements on television, prompting her to pose probing questions about drugs to her father. In response, her father, an activist himself, nurtured her curiosity and provided candid, age-appropriate answers to satiate her thirst for knowledge.
Gradually, Tania, the elder sibling in her household, began accompanying her father to various programmes in the city and marathons on Sunday mornings, related to addiction awareness. Witnessing the grim realities of addiction in the lives of many, Tania felt compelled to contribute. She found her voice and purpose in delivering heartfelt speeches during these events.
Reflecting on this unexpected turn of events, Tania’s father, Sallaudin Saikh, admitted, “As an activist, I never wanted my daughter to be part of any campaign. I even tried to dissuade her.” However, Tania’s passion only intensified as she delved deeper into her studies, devouring news articles, books, and YouTube videos on the subjects of addiction and drugs.
“I loved watching Doraemon, a cartoon with cool gadgets that help people. I always wished I had similar tools to fight addiction and drugs in real life,” Tania said. Her wish came true when a foundation gave her posters and booklets to help with her mission. It was like having a real-life Doraemon by her side.
When her video, showcasing her dedication to the cause, was shared on the social media platform, Drug-Free World – India, an international organisation approached her. They were so impressed that they appointed her as their youngest brand ambassador at the astonishing age of just seven. Armed with posters and booklets from the organisation, the young campaigner began spreading awareness in schools, colleges, markets, events, and wherever her tiny voice could make a big difference. With unwavering support from her parents and a dedicated team of two more individuals, Tania embarked on a mission to educate her community.
In her eyes, alcohol stood out as the most prevalent addiction in Telangana, followed closely by painkillers. She could rattle off a litany of drug names and toxic substances that many adults were unaware of.
Tania held a strong conviction that celebrities promoting such substances were setting a harmful example. “I couldn’t fathom how many young people, much like herself, might fall into the trap of addiction influenced by these stars,” she said. She took to Twitter to voice her concerns and request these celebrities to reconsider their participation in such advertisements. Instead of support, her account was banned, and she had to create a new one to continue her advocacy.
Tania’s dedication to combating addiction continues to evolve as she sets her sights on addressing the growing issue of student addiction, particularly concerning the rising prevalence of e-cigarettes among children her age. Having read about this concerning trend, she has taken it upon herself to gather information and raise awareness about the dangers posed by e-cigarettes.
Closing liquor shop near school Tania’s dedication knew no bounds. During her time at her previous school, Unison International, where she studied up to the 5th grade, she noticed a liquor shop in close proximity. Disturbed by the sight of her fellow students falling prey to addiction, she took it upon herself to approach the shop owner and advocate for its closure. With the support of her friends, she embarked on a daily mission to educate customers about the dire consequences of addiction. Their relentless efforts ultimately led to the shop’s closure, a testament to Tania’s indomitable spirit and unwavering commitment to creating a drug-free world.
source: / The New Indian Express / Home> Good News / by Renuka Kalpana, Express News Service / September 17th, 2023
Iram Meher, is a first-year intermediate student who topped in the state by scoring all A’s in the subjects of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
Iram Meher Khaja Sahkeeluddin is a student at the St. Joseph’s Junior College in Hyderabad’s Tolichowki Branch. Meher’s first-year tests resulted in a 467 out of 470.
She received 75 out of 75 in maths scoring an A grade and the same in maths scoring a B, 60 out of 60 in physics, the same in chemistry, and 98 and 99 out of 100 in English and Arabic languages.
The TSBIE Intermediate First and Second Year Results 2022 were released at a press conference hosted by the Telangana State Education Board at 11 AM, on Tuesday. 63.32 percent of the overall number of students who took the TS Inter examinations in 2022 passed and were promoted from the first year, while 67.16 percent passed the second year.
Girls once again outperformed males in the Telangana Intermediate examinations, according to the board’s website,, where students can also view their scorecards and TSBIE IPE scores memo.
source: / The Siasat Daily / Home> News> Telangana / by News Desk / posted by Marziya Sharif / June 30th, 2022