Tag Archives: Mufti Menk

Famous Muslims: Mufti Menk



Mufti Ismail Menk is a renowned Islamic scholar, preacher, and motivational speaker from Zimbabwe. He is known for his lectures on various Islamic topics, including the importance of understanding the Quran and the Hadith, and how to apply Islamic teachings in daily life.

Early Life and Education

Mufti Menk was born in Harare, Zimbabwe, in 1975. He comes from a family of Islamic scholars, with his grandfather and father both serving as imams. From a young age, Menk had a strong interest in Islamic studies and began studying the Quran and Hadith under the guidance of his father and other scholars in his community.

In 1992, Menk traveled to Saudi Arabia to further his studies in Islamic theology and jurisprudence. He studied at the Islamic University of Madinah, where he earned a degree in Islamic studies.

Personal Life

Mufti Menk is married and has children. He is known for leading a simple and humble lifestyle, and is dedicated to spreading the teachings of Islam to as many people as possible.


After completing his studies in Saudi Arabia, Menk returned to Zimbabwe, where he began giving lectures and leading Friday prayers at the mosque in his hometown of Harare. He quickly gained a reputation as an inspiring and knowledgeable speaker, and began giving lectures and leading workshops across the country.

In addition to his work in Zimbabwe, Menk is also a popular speaker at Islamic conferences and events around the world. He has delivered lectures and led workshops in countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, South Africa, and Australia. He has also been invited to speak at many universities and Islamic institutions worldwide.

Mufti Menk is also active on social media and has a large following on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. He regularly posts videos and articles on various Islamic topics, and is known for his concise and easy-to-understand explanations of complex concepts.

Mufti Menk is also the director of the Daarul Ilm of Zimbabwe, a non-profit organization that runs madrasahs, orphanages and schools in Zimbabwe.

Overall, Mufti Menk is a respected and influential Islamic scholar and preacher, known for his ability to make Islamic teachings accessible and relevant to people of all backgrounds. His work has helped to promote understanding and harmony within the Muslim community, and his lectures and writings continue to inspire and guide people on their spiritual journey.

Mufti Menk on Social Media

source: http://www.thecognate.com / The Cognate / Home> Business / by The Cognate News Desk / January 12th, 2023