In a thumbing victory, IUML continues its consistent legacy of electoral successes right from 1952 Loksabha Elections.
The party retained it’s bastions of Malapuram and Ponnani with a record breaking victory margin along with a blitzkrieg victory in Ramanathapuram, decimating the BJP and AIADMK
Kerala registered a record winning the 3 of 3 seats it contested. Party worker’s enthusiastic campaigns and IUML’s strategic electoral support to INDIA Allaince partners also ensured in restricting the authoritarian ruling party to retaining power.
While E.T. MOHAMMED BASHEER won from Malapuram and DR. M.P ABDUSSAMAD SAMADANI Ponnani from Kerala, NAVASKANI K got elected from Ramanathapuram in Tamil Nadu.
IUML backed, Congress led UDF also secured 18 seats out of 20 in Kerala, while DMK-IUML- Congress Allaince swept TamilNadu Loksabha securing all 39 seats of the state.
Congratulations on the stellar electoral performance with record vote margins. May the elected parliamentarians stand steadfast in the fight against minority infringements and protection of human rights.
source: / Muslim Mirror / Home> Election 2024> Indian Muslims> Politics / by Muslim Mirror Staff / June 05th, 2024