Tag Archives: Dr Anis Ahemad Ansari – Patent Holder – RO Wastewater

AMU Faculty Dr Anis Ahemad Ansari gets patent for his novel system that saves RO Wastewater


 Dr Anis Ahemad Ansari, Mechanical Engineering Section, Aligarh Muslim University Polytechnic has been granted a patent by the Patent Office, Government of India on his novel work, entitled, “A system for water and energy conservation in a Reverse Osmosis based water purifier”.

Dr Ansari said that a reverse osmosis (RO) based water purifier used in houses and offices generates a heavy amount of non-potable water which is continuously drained unutilized, although this water is clean and free from suspended matter. He said that the wastage of clean water on such a large scale increases the crisis of water manifold.

He stated that his invention provides a system for water and energy conservation in a reverse osmosis-based water purifier by making a provision for the collection of clean non-potable water generated from the reverse osmosis process. The hydraulic pressure is utilized in transferring this water into a tank and a flow control valve controls the discharge of accumulated clean water from the said tank, as and when required.

“Thus, the clean non-potable water generated from the RO process can be utilized for several purposes such as hand washing, utensil washing, floor washing, plantation, room cooler, toilet flushing, construction, vehicle washing, firefighting, etc. Moreover, it would save the electrical energy which is required otherwise to pump additional groundwater for these purposes,” he added.

source: http://www.amu.ac.in / Aligarh Muslim University / by Public Relations Office / June 04th, 2024