One the eve of International Women’s Day, Bollywood star Aamir Khan faced a volley of questions from women journalists, ranging from social causes, to films, to politics, to celebrity endorsements and his diet regime that “makes him look young.”
When asked what he had to say about Bollywood celebrities (Shahrukh Khan, John Abraham) endorsing fairness creams, even for men, and reinforcing stereotypes such as “fair is beautiful”, Khan said “It’s a shame that some people are endorsing and selling these products.” He said he would never do that.
The usually reticent Khan, who has become media-friendly of late, also took great pains to defend his endorsement of aerated drink Coca-cola at a time when pesticide contamination near its bottling plant in Kerala was making news a few years ago.
“I have not been with Coke for 10-15 years now, but at that time I got certain products independently examined through my lawyer and found that pesticide content in Coke was lower than in milk, sugar, tea etc. I think it was because water had pesticide. Reports say that even mother’s milk has pesticide. So, at that time, I could not be dishonest with my decision,” the actor said.
As for water misuse, Khan said no entity, MNC or individual, should be allowed to drain or misuse water. “I am a strong votary of equal distribution of water,” he added.
The actor, who has just launched the second part of his television talk show Satyamev Jayate, got defensive when asked whether the team needed to do more follow-up work on the social issues raised in the show to gain more credibility. Citing the instance of falling number of female foeticide in Punjab after his show on the issue was aired two years back, Khan said even if one girl child survived because of the awareness created by the show, it was worth it. “I have spent two years on the show…the time I could have used on other activities, including spending it with my children. What have you (the critics) done?” he asked.
Parrying questions about his political leanings after sharing the dais with Anna Hazare during the anti-graft agitation and putting in a good word for Arvind Kejriwal, the actor ruled out joining politics. “I am an entertainer and have a social responsibility, which I will strive to fulfil from where I am right now,” he said.
The actor also hedged a question on who he saw as the next Prime Minister — Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi or Arvind Kejriwal. “Taking a name will not be right in a democracy, but I feel people should not look for messiahs outside, but within themselves. Till that day comes, nothing will change drastically. As of now, no single party instils confidence in me,” he added.
source: / Business Line / Home> News / by Our Bureau / New Delhi – March 07th, 2014