Alhaj Mir Vizarat Ali Pasha founder and Secretary Tur Baitul Mal passed away at the age of 94. Funeral prayer will be offered on Wednesday, October 8, after Zuhr prayers at Jama Masjid Mir Vazeer Ali Khan, Fateh Darwaza. Burial will be performed at Shah Raju Qattal Husaini premises, Misri Gunj.
Fateha Seyaum will be held on October 9 at Jama Masjid Tur Qazipura at 4 pm. Details can be had from phone no’s 9394777849 or 9397626685.
Tur Baitul Mal will not function on October 8 & 9 due to sad demise of founder and Secretary Tur Baitul Mal.
Siasat news
source: / The Siasat Daily / Home> Hyderabad / Wednesday – October 08th, 2014