Indian calligrapher Ghulam Mohiuddin transcribed this manuscript.
pix: SPA
A two-century-old Quran manuscript, transcribed in India, is now on display at the Islamic Arts Biennale at the Western Hajj Terminal of King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Indian calligrapher Ghulam Mohiuddin transcribed this monumental Quran manuscript on the 6th of Muharram, 1240 AH (August 31, 1824 AD) in northern India. It was designated as a waqf (endowment) for the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah, reflecting India’s deep historical ties to Islamic art and heritage.
Measuring an extraordinary 139.7 × 77.5 cm, the manuscript is embellished with gold, deep-colored pigments, and a cover originally encrusted with rubies, emeralds, turquoise, and peridot, making it one of the rarest Quran copies on display, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported.
The text is written in black Naskh script, with a Persian translation in red Nastaliq, showcasing the Indo-Persian calligraphic style of the era.
Historical records indicate that the manuscript arrived in Madinah in the mid-13th century AH and was initially placed near Bab As-Salam before being moved to the mosque’s treasury during restoration in 1273 AH (1857 AD).
In 1302 AH (1884 AD), it was rebound by Hajj Yusuf bin Hajj Masoom Nemankani, a scholar and manuscript expert from Uzbekistan who later settled in Madinah.
Now preserved at the King Abdulaziz Complex for Endowment Libraries in Madinah, this rare Indian-transcribed Quran is a key attraction at the Biennale, celebrating India’s historical ties with the Islamic world and its legacy of artistic excellence.
source: / The Siasat Daily / Home> News> Middle East / by Sakina Fatima, X / March 12th, 2025
On February 19, 1926, A.K. Abdul Hameed Baqavi started off on a journey that would take him over two decades to complete. His translation of The Quran, which is written in classical Arabic and organised in 114 chapters, took time. But the elegant style of the work, published in 1949, has made it one of the most enduring versions.
Painstaking work: The Tamil translation of The Quran by Islamic scholar and freedom fighter A.K. Abdul Hameed. | Photo Credit: M. MOORTHY
On February 19, 1926, Tamil Islamic scholar and freedom fighter A.K. Abdul Hameed Baqavi (1876-1955) embarked on a literary journey that would take him over two decades to complete. His chosen subject: translation of the meaning of The Quran from Arabic into Tamil.
Abdul Hameed was not the first; nor was he the last to attempt the Tamil translation. But his effort, published as Tarjumat-ul-Quran bi Altaf-ilbayan (Translation of the Quran with a Glorious Exposition) in 1949, was the first complete translation of the Islamic holy book into Tamil. The Quran, written in classical Arabic, is believed by Muslims to have been revealed by God to Prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel over 23 years. It is organised in 114 chapters, known as surah.
Despite the presence of a sizeable Muslim population in southern India, The Quran was translated into Tamil quite late, at least a thousand years after Islam came to the region, mostly due to opposition from the ulema or scholars of the day on account of fears that a Tamil version might be wrongly considered a substitute for the original. Ironically, it is the ulema who later entered the field of translation.
Hybrid language
The earliest translations were done in the 17th Century, in Arabu-Tamil, a hybrid language that used a modified Arabic alphabet to express ideas in Tamil. Scholars began attempting fragmentary Tamil translations (of selected sentences or verses) in the 19th Century. Abdul Hameed Baqavi’s effort was noteworthy because it made Quranic study more accessible to both lay and scholarly readers. That is probably why it has been reprinted innumerable times, despite the presence of at least 17 complete Tamil translations done by other scholars after its publication.
‘Baqavi’ is the title given to students of Madrasa Al-Baqiyat-us-Salihat, a well-regarded Islamic college in Vellore established in 1857.
Abdul Hameed was born at Attur, Salem, and showed an early interest in writing on religious subjects.
The founders of Jamal Mohamed College in Tiruchi played a key role in getting Abdul Hameed’s translation project off the ground, funding the publication of the first volume, a copy of which is available at the college’s Centre for Islamic Tamil Cultural Research. “I began the translation project on February 19, 1926, after the Friday (Juma) prayers at the bungalow of Janab Khan Sahib and N.M. Khaja Mian Rowther in Tiruchi. It has been three years since I started it,” he writes in the foreword to the first volume of the translation, published in 1929. “If the first section can take me three years, readers may have to wait longer (at least 89 years) for each of the remaining 29 sections to be completed,” he adds. Imported printing equipment was commissioned by college founder M.J. Jamal Mohamed. The press, Islamiya Nool Prasura Sangam, at Palakkarai published the first volume, priced at ₹2.
Decades of work
It is a mystery as to why the translation that began in Tiruchi with much fanfare petered out after 1929. A. Nihamathullah, retired professor of English at Sadakatullah Appa College in Tirunelveli, who has done a comparative study of 12 Tamil Quran translations (including the Abdul Hameed version) for his doctorate, said a lack of documents in the public domain had added to the blind spot.
“In 1938, scholar Abdul Qadar Hazrat introduced Abdul Hameed Baqavi to Nawab Naseer Yaar Jung Bahadur, the father-in-law of the Nizam of Hyderabad. On the recommendation of the Nawab, the translation of The Quran resumed, with financial backing from the Nizam,” Mr. Nihamathullah told The Hindu. An office was set up for the project in Karaikal and the work was eventually completed in 1942. In order to get the Ulema’s approval, Baqavi approached his Vellore alma mater to constitute a panel of theologians to check the manuscript.
In the later stages, he was helped by his son, Indian Union Muslim League leader and Tamil writer A. K. A. Abdul Samad (1926-1999). However, it took five more years for Abdul Hameed to secure funding for printing. A contribution of ₹50,000 by Ceylon-based businessman Nagore Meera Mohamed Haniffa helped to publish the two-volume translation in 1949. As the project expanded, the printing unit was shifted from Karaikal to Chennai.
A winning combination
German scholar Torsten Tschacher, a Heisenberg Fellow of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and Tamil lecturer at the University of Heidelberg, said in an email interview that the popularity of Abdul Hameed Baqavi’s translation owes much to its presentation.
“It did not have any readings of The Quran that would have made the translation appear sectarian. The fact that [Abdul Hameed] Baqavi avoided giving too much of commentary, along with the translation, may have helped in this regard,” he said. “While the style may appear somewhat clumsy and old-fashioned, I think he hit the right spot between the exact translation and the quality of language. It was also important because it made The Quran finally accessible to non-Muslims who had not been able to read the earlier translations that used the Arabic script and a lot of Arabic vocabulary,” Mr. Tschacher added.
source: / The Hindu / Home> News> India> Tamil Nadu / by Nahla Nainar / January 03rd, 2025
Review of Dr. Javed Jamil’s book “A Systematic Study of the Holy Qur’ān”
Dr. Javed Jamil has already earned wide acclaim for his innovative and holistic approach on the world affairs and for his concept of Applied Islamics, which implies examining the scientific theories, international ideologies and developments in the light of Islamic principles and presenting Islamic Paradigms/Models/Definitions/Concepts/Programmes in different areas of knowledge in Natural Sciences, Social Sciences as well as Health Sciences. His books like “Muslims Most Civilised, Yet Not Enough?”, “Muslim Vision of Secular India: Destination and Roadmap”, “Justice Imprisoned”, “Economics First or Health First?” have brought a new approach based on the facts and figures, which have not only highlighted the failure of the modern systems in creating a healthy and peaceful world but have also successfully countered the propaganda by Western and other forces against Islam. His latest book, “A Systematic Study of the Holy Qur’ān” may well become his most applauded work in coming times because of, (using the title of the Foreword by Former Vice Chancellor of University of Hyderabad, Padamshri Prof. E Hasnain,) its “Unique Insight into the Wondrous Verses of the Holy Qur’ān”. It will be worthwhile here to quote a passage from the Foreword:
“What attracted my attention at the very outset was the caption on the cover of the book. The book describes Qur’ān as “a humble endeavour to make a Systematic Study of the Holy Qur’an in terms of the Systems Almighty God created in the Universe, on the Earth, in Human Life, and the System He wants man to establish and adhere to with the aim of building a Healthy and Peaceful World and ensuring a Successful Life in the Hereafter”. This is a categorical confirmation of the fact that, in Qur’ān there are a very large number of verses, which describe the Creation and Functioning of the Universe as a whole and the Functioning of the Earth, including its flora and fauna. There is absolutely no doubt that, if human beings have to establish on earth the kind of harmonious functioning existing in the universe, they have no option but to follow God’s injunctions in full. The particles of the universe, the stars, the planets and all other celestial bodies follow the Laws of Nature created by God with unimaginable precision. If God gave us human beings certain flexibility, we should endeavour to work only within the boundaries prescribed by Qur’ān. Moreover. the system that God has directed through His Final Book and Final Prophet (SAW) needs to be established not only in the lives of the people, but in the world as a whole, including the legal, social, political and administrative levels.
By just viewing the list of contents of the book, one can have an idea of the holistic nature of the work. It has five major parts: Iman (Realization with Commitment), Philosophy, Constitution, Systems and History of Confrontation between the Right and Wrong. The chapter on Iman covers Qur’ānic view of God/Allah with His Creation and Governing of the universe , the role of Prophets, especially the Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the Books of God, Hereafter, Executive Angels and Predestination. Part 2 on Philosophy covers Philosophical issues related to Qur’ānic position of Monotheism, life, different religions, human nature, etc. Chapter 3 on Constitution covers Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties and Fundamental Prohibitions, Civil and Criminal Laws. Part 4 on Systems of Governance include Social, Political, Economic, Moral, Spiritual and Health Protective Systems and the Part 5 on History of Confrontation between the Right and Wrong compiles the stories of Prophets from Adam (AS) to Muhammad (SAW).
The book presents Islam as a Holistic System for Health, Security and Peace for mankind in this world as well as Hereafter, and effectively counters modern ideologies based on the supremacy of Economics. His arguments are highly convincing, as they are accompanied with facts and figures. He argues that while the modern constitutional systems are two-dimensional based on Fundamental Rights and Duties, while ignoring prohibitions altogether, Qur’ānic system of governance is Three-Dimensional with equal emphasis on Rights, Duties and Prohibitions. He lambastes the concept of Freedom of Choice, which is being used by the market forces to exploit the human susceptibilities at the huge cost of life and peace, resulting in tens of millions of deaths due to Alcohol, Sexual corruptions (including Homosexuality, Promiscuity and Prostitution), Gambling, Suicides, Pork, etc.
In each chapter, first a well thought and crafted article is presented followed by the compilation of the Qur’ānic verses related to that subject. The verses are followed by notes wherever necessary, providing huge information. In the first chapter on “The Supreme Being”, the components of the universe and their functioning in accordance with God’s designs are presented, and a full-blown picture of the physical State (Mulk) of universe created and governed by Head of State, Almighty God/Allah, through a unique system of the Laws of Nature (Umoor) has been developed. The arguments in Theoretical Physics about the universe being created without God have also been countered in a unique manner. The author has translated “Samaawaat” as “Cosmic Tiers” and has shown their positioning in terms of the structure of the universe. For example, Sky of the earth (atmosphere, clouds, protective roof) is the First Cosmic Tier, Solar System (Samaa-al dunyaa) the Second, Galaxy (Milky Way being ours) the Third, Cluster and Supercluster being the next in order and so on. Terms like Najam, Kawaakib, Shihab-at-Thaqib, Najm-ath-thaqib, Tariq, Samaa- dhaatil burooj, dhaatil-raj’a etc have been explained. The author notes that further researches will more specifically point out the exact positioning of these Samaawaat. When the terms Sajda, Tasbeeh, Hamd etc, are used in relation to the physical components of the universe, their existence being only physical, these terms also indicate their different physical movements like rotation on their own axis or around other objects in compliance of the Laws of Nature created and implemented by God, the Lord of the Universe. Human Sajdahs, Tasbehs and Hamd of course have physical, biological, mental, spiritual and social dimensions as well.
But the author clarifies that instead of studying Qur’ān in the light of Sciences, modern sciences and ideologies have to be studied in the light of Qur’ānic positions. Sciences can be in an evolving phase but Qur’ān is the Word of God, with absolute facts. It is another matter, due to our immense paucity of knowledge about the facts of the vast universe; more often than not we cannot fully understand their meaning.
In the chapter on different systems, he has presented alternative Islamic paradigms/models of Economic, Political, Social, Moral, Spiritual and Health protective systems of Islam, with critical review of the modern systems prevalent at the international level. He argues that the primary aim of Islamic Prohibitions and Permissions is to ensure highest standards of physical, mental, social, spiritual health and family peace and crimeless society, free of all forms of exploitation. Following these injunctions with total commitment to God, Last Prophet and Last Testament Quran will also ensure a Blissful life in Paradise after death.
The chapter on History becomes doubly interesting, as it also uses the excerpts from Torah, Evangel (Injil) and Psalms (Zabur) to explain in detail the lives and achievements of the Prophets/Ambassadors of God.
The book has used many terms, which are different from the traditional ones, but they add to the advanced understanding of the Holy Qur’an in exploring the functioning of the universe, life on earth and human existence. The basic argument according to the author which comes out from the study of Qur’an is that if the unimaginably vast universe is functioning with impeccable harmony for billions of years, it is because each and every particle and area of the universe is following with utmost precision the Laws of Nature, Biological and other laws created by God, and if the mankind has to have a peaceful and harmonious existence, they have no option but to follow the Laws sent through His Ambassadors by God, Qur’an being the Final Constitution for all times to come till the Doomsday.
The cover is attractive and the printing of the book is of good quality. Over-all, it is a must-read book for all Muslims, especially the students, scholars and analysts, and has the potential to revolutionise the future studies of Qur’an and Islam, with their application in every field of the human existence – individual and collective, internal and external. It will be worthwhile to conclude this review by quoting a few paragraphs from the book:
“The world today, despite its apparently advanced and sophisticated ways of living, is overpowered with chaos at every level. The current international system, which many proudly call New World Order, appears to be highly advanced in method but is a colossal failure in the results. At the individual level, notwithstanding huge advancement of healthcare system, physical, mental and spiritual illnesses are ever on the rise. At the family level, the disintegration of family is fast becoming the norm rather than an exception. At the social level, the ever rising crime rate, social and economic exploitation, commercialisation of all forms of dangerous substances and practices including sexual deviations, addictions and crimes, and various kinds of extremist movements working in the interests of certain forces have almost completely destroyed the peace of life. It is in the background of this asphyxiating disruption of harmony that Qur’ān needs to be understood and applied in all spheres of life.”
“True Version of Anthropic Principle says that (1) It is God Who created the universe ultimately leading to the creation of man; (2) God controlled the whole process of creation; (3) the creation of man was not an unintended coincidence but an intended act of God; (4) the purpose of man is not simply describing the beauty of the universe, but to attain the Realization that this harmonious universe has been created, and is being governed by God; and (5) man has to submit to the System of existence perfected through His Ambassadors and Testaments, and govern the Earth in accordance with the Divine commands.”
“In short, the message of Qur’ān, the Final Document of Peace, is unequivocal. Anything good, healthy and desirable in terms of health, peace and tranquillity, has to be promoted, and anything unhealthy and undesirable has to be discouraged. Both, short term and long terms benefits are allowed; but if short term benefits seriously endanger the long term benefits, long term benefits have to be preferred. All possible means within the ambit of Islam are to be availed for achieving the goal. The goal, however, cannot be achieved with perfection, unless there is unity of mankind; and mankind cannot unite unless it submits to One God, imitates One Prophet, follows One Book and faces One Direction. This is the real meaning of Wahdat (Unity), which is central to all the Islamic systems of affairs. Wahdat of God means, in effect, the Wahdat of mankind.” “Islam’s agenda, as shown by the Quran and Prophet (SAW), is to establish Natural and Just Word Order. The agenda of the present world is to establish and sustain New World Order. It has led to the development of a strange kind of world, which appears to be paradise from outside, but as one enters it, one finds nothing but hell. We are living in a world where, thanks to the designs of merchants, immorality reigns. The globe of New World Order is therefore rapidly developing into nothing but a fireball of chaos.It is in the backdrop of this universal disharmony that Islam, in its final form established by the Last Prophet (SAW), has to play its role. We have to challenge New World Order and establish Natural Just World Order, in accordance with the principles laid down by the Book of God and the life of the Prophet (SAW).”
Price: INR 850/- Outside India: US$ 38, for copies WhatsApp on: +918130340339, Email:
source: / The Milli Gazette / Home> News> Books / by J Ali / March 24th, 2021
T. Arif Ali, Secretary General of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind releasing the Malayalam translation of Tadabbur-e-Quran
The Secretary General of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, T. Arif Ali released the Malayalam translation of the exegesis (tafseer) of the Quran – “Tadabbur-e-Quran” by Maulana Amin Ahsan Islahi while presiding over a simple ceremony in Kozhikode, Kerala.
KT Abdurahman Nadvi completed the Malayalam translation. “Tadabbur-e-Quran” is a tafseer of the Quran based on the concept of thematic and structural coherence, originally written in Urdu.
In his presidential remarks, T. Arif Ali introduced the writer and delved into the importance of “Tadabbur-e-Quran”, emphasizing how the tafseer expounds each surah as a coherent discourse. Tadabbur arranges surahs into pairs, and suggests that there are seven major surah divisions. Thus the entire Quran emerges as a well-connected and systematic book with each division having a distinct theme.
source: / Radiance News / Home> Focus> Report / by Radiance News Bureau / March 27th, 2024
Bibi Tabassum and Suraiya Quraishi who embroidered the Quran.
Bengaluru :
This is a miracle. An awe-inspiring phenomenon took place in this city a few days back, as two sisters- Bibi Tabassum and Suraiya Quraishi- embroidered the sacred Quran onto 604 pages of plush velvet cloth.
Showing excellent craftsmanship, they used needles and threads to meticulously prepare an embroidered holy Quran. This embroidered Quran, prepared under the watchful guidance of an Alim-e-deen (religious scholar), is not only easily legible but also heavenly captivating.
Bibi Tabassum, the younger of the two sisters, holds a great fondness for doing embroidery ever since she was a child. In the beginning, she used to embroider only small verses of the Quran, but one day, an idea graced Bibi Tabassum’s mind – to intricately embroider the entire holy Quran. This took her on a laborious journey, one fueled by love and devotion.
Expressing extreme gratitude to Allah for giving them the opportunity to prepare this embroidered Quran, Bibi Tabassum says that she aspires to gift this embroidered holy Quran to a library in the holy city of Madina.
Venturing on this embroidery voyage of the Quranic verses along with her elder sister Suraiya Quraishi, Bibi Tabassum started with the first inaugural Surah of the Quran i.e. Surah Al-Fatiha, and continued diligently. The last surah- Surah An-Nas marked the culmination of their hard labour.
This embroidered holy Quran is divided into five volumes, and each volume consisting of six chapters. It went through a meticulous binding process by the skilled hands of its creators.
Initially, in the detailed process of embroidery, Bibi Tabassum used to inscribe the verses of the Quran with a pencil on the velvet cloth, followed by both the sisters intricately weaving threads along those sacred lines.
Carrying on the demands of daily life, both sisters, driven by unwavering dedication, used to finish their household chores and then engage in the embroidery work of the holy Quran.
To ensure the utmost accuracy of the embroidered work, a learned religious scholar closely scrutinized each verse upon the completion of a page. Bibi Tabassum says, ‘After completing every page of the embroidered holy Quran, we would show that to our scholar and do any correction if required.”
In the aftermath of this big achievement, family members are thoroughly elated for the two sisters. They say that the two sisters have utilized their time for a very noble endeavour. Extending heartfelt gratitude, they thank Allah for the manifestation of this lovely artwork, which stands as a testament to the beautiful blending of devotion and artistry.
source: / India Tomorrow / Home> News> Society / by India Tomorrow (headline edited) / February 05th, 2024
The holy book, which weighs 54 kg with the cover, measures 28.5 inches long, 22.5 inches wide, and 4.5 inches high.
Abu Dhabi:
A 46-year-old Indian woman has displayed her handwritten Holy Quran in Arabic calligraphy weighing over 30 kgs at the 42nd Sharjah International Book Fair (SIBF).
Jaleena Hussain, who hails from Indian state of Kerala, has spent over a year creating a unique edition of 114 surahs, covering 604 pages.
Speaking to Sharjah 24, Jaleena said writing the Quran was her way of fulfilling her desire to memorize the Holy Book.
She expressed gratitude to the Sharjah authorities for allowing her to showcase her talent.
Jaleena, a former rubber plantation worker and Urdu teacher, has been recognized by the Arabian World Records and the India and Asia Book of Records for her handwritten Quran.
source: / / Home> News> India / by Sakina Fatima X / November 12th, 2023
Phones have not stopped ringing at Tahir Ahmed Parray’s home in North Kashmir Hajin after his daughter Arbeen Tahir completed handwriting Holy Quran.
It took Arbeen six months to write the Quran using her calligraphic pen. With no formal training, she learnt calligraphy by watching YouTube videos before she tried her hand at writing the Quran.
“It was my childhood dream to write the holy Quran. I had no experience or training in calligraphy. I started watching videos and trying scribbling on paper before I learnt the art. I started writing the holy Quran in June and completed it in November. I was regularly showing manuscripts to my cousin for any correction,” she said.
Coming from a religious family, Arbeen’s father is a businessman dealing with fruits. She has a younger brother who studies in Class 10. Arbeen is living in a big joint family with all her uncles and cousins under one roof.
Arbeen received religious education from her childhood. Well versed in different languages, she developed an interest in reading theology and religious scriptures.
“I have written the manuscript on 900 pages. Now I plan to preserve this copy for posterity. I plan to bind it and keep it in my study. It is the prized possession,” she said.
Arbeen has become a role model for her clan and society. A student of class XII, she is now preparing for NEET and wants to become a doctor to serve humanity.
“I am working hard to crack NEET. My cousin is a doctor and she is my inspiration. I too want to become a doctor to serve mankind. I am preparing hard to achieve my goal,” she said.
The 18-year-old is also working on her debut book. “I am writing a book. `Tragedy of Innocence’ will soon hit the stands,” she said.
Arbeen is not the first student who has handwritten the Quran in Kashmir. Last year, Adil Nabi Mir of Srinagar completed writing the Holy Book in 58 days. Mir said he wrote the Quran in his handwriting purely for the ‘sake of Allah’ and to inspire the youth to follow Islamic teachings.
Coming from a humble background, Mir’s father is a mason. Mir said he received a lot of encouragement from his father and other family members.
He started writing on January 27, 2021, and it took him 58 days to complete the work. He used to write in his free time and spend 6-7 hours doing this. His fingers would ache a lot, but he persisted. Mir would rarely move out of the house barring visits to the mosque so that he could finish his task.
source: / India Tomorrow / Home> Religion / by Ishfaq-ul-Hassan (headline edited) / December 13th, 2022
One such is a miniature version that can be worn as an amulet
Ramzan marks the revelation of Koran and families go into a huddle reading it through the night. The Abul Kalam Azad Oriental Research Institute in Public Gardens is now hosting an exhibition of copies of some rare Korans.
One of them has been created in Hyderabad with Persian and Urdu translation and explanatory passages on the side. Another Koran is a miniature version which could be worn as an amulet. “This is among the 5,000 Koran amulets commissioned by Hasan Nizami, a legatee of Nizamuddin Aulia of Delhi. It is a priceless object as very few are in circulation,” informs S.M. Ahmed Ali of the institute.
Then there is a Koran which is a gift of Reza Shah Pehlavi, first Shah of the House of Pahlavi of the Imperial State of Iran, when his wife visited the city in 1960. It has the Persian translation along with the Arabic original.
A few facsimile copies show how different writing styles have evolved. A 7 th century Koran in Kufic script is without the diacritical marks. “This is one of the earliest copies and unique. It will be difficult to read as we are used to seeing the sound markers,” adds Mr. Ahmed.
source: / The Hindu / Home> News> National> Telangana / by The Hindu Bureau / Hyderabad – April 14th, 2022
The dream of a tailor at Eruva near Kayamkulam was fulfilled by his four sons who created the 3.1-kilometre-long handwritten copy of the Quran in the world.
Noushad and his sons with the box in which the collar cloth rolls of handwritten Quran are fixed on a rotator | Express
Alappuzha :
The dream of a tailor at Eruva near Kayamkulam was fulfilled by his four sons who created the 3.1-kilometre-long handwritten copy of the Quran in the world. Kadharsha Moulavi, son of M K Noushad, said his father’s dream was to create the holy text on a cloth canvas as a handwritten copy.
The Quran teacher of Tharbiyya Madrasa at Palluruthy in Ernakulam said, “He had expressed his wish a few years ago, but the lack of time did not allow us to complete the task. In the Covid lockdown period, we decided to undertake it. We etched the text on the stiff collar rolls of 1.5-inch width stitched together. It took us around 111 hours to complete the writing. Ten green marker pens and 40 bottles of ink were used and and the whole project cost us Rs 20,000.”
Noushad himself had created records by stitching a huge shirt joining the flags of 54 nations and made the Indian Tricolour using buttons. When the then president, APJ Abdul Kalam, came to Kochi in 2003, Noushad was called there and felicitated by him.
His four sons are educated in the Quran and Arabic studies and all are teaching in different institutions. Muhammad Shafi, a teacher of KIT School, Kayamkulam, said the siblings started the work on June 8 and completed it by July 26.
“As many as 155 collar canvas rolls were used to create the long strip. One collar canvas is 20m long. The copy was written using marker pens in neat handwriting. The special box to fix the canvass roll was designed by our father. People can read from Volumes 1 to 30 without any difficulty. If the reader turns the rotator fixed in the box, the text starts unrolling for easy reading,” Shafi said. “As per our knowledge, such a long handwritten copy of the holy text does not exist in the world,” he added.
Noushad said the national flag with buttons was a novel idea and he got several accolades for it. He had tried to get these recognised by the Guinness World Records but could not pursue it then. “President Abdul Kalam felicitated me after hearing about the flag. I had stitched it using 20,454 buttons and presented it during the official Independence Day celebrations in Kayamkulam on August 15, 2003.
Another initiative was a shirt that was stitched together with the flags of 54 countries. Each flag was stitched in my shop and the shirt in the end had a height of 10 feet. It was released on the 54th Republic Day in 2003.
I had also created a floral arrangement using small pieces of clothes on the Thiruvonam day in 2004,” Noushad said.
source: / The New Indian Express / Home> Good News / by Biju E. Paul / Express News Service / September 26th, 2020
Retired, but not tired of working for former NTC official Dr M Ameer Althaf, who took up intensive research on Holy Quran for well over three decade. And in his seven yearlong untiring effort, he has penned the book ‘Athaatchigal Thirukkuran Kalai Kalanjiam’ in a four part series, which is close to his heart. Undoubtedly, this is a magnum opus for the author.
Notably, Ameer Althaf had won the heart of Kovaiites for his different avatars in Thirukkuran Arakkattalai, Coimbatore District United Jamaath, AIMMS Muslim Women Community College. Adding another feather to his cap, he brought out the book ‘Pettagam’, a compilation of 300 long history of Coimbatore Muslims which was released at a gala function in 2014.
As to the adage ‘Hardwork pays rich dividends’, his research papers on Holy Quran were presented and published in global forum like Umma-al Qura University in Mecca, King Fahad University in Madina, University Malaya, Islamic Science University Malaysia besides universities in Istanbul, Jordan, Qatar, Mali. His four decade central government service and three decade research on Holy Quran made him go places across the globe. Significantly, he became to be known as International Holy Quran researcher.
A function is being organised under the aegis of Dhaanish Ahmed Institute of Technology (DAIT) and Al Azhar Educational Trust on October 20 at Podanur Thendral mahal to release the book ‘Athaatchigal’ by former supreme court judge Fakir Mohamed Ibrahim Kalifullah and former High Court judge K N Basha in the presence of leading luminaries Alhaj K Moosa, chairman, DAIT group, Alhaj UAK Jailani, managing trustee, Al Azhar Education Trust.
Sunnath Jamaath Federation general secretary Alhaj M A Inayathullah will preside while Ranipet Additional District and Sessions Judge A Mohamed Ziyavudeen will felicitate at the event.
Moulavi Alhaj M A Abdur Rahim, president, Coimbatore-Nilgiris-Tirupur district Jamathul Ulema Sabai, Moulavi Alhaj M A Mohammed Imdhadi, president, Coimbatore city Jamathul Ulema Sabai, social activist Aloor Shanavas, Coimbatore district United Jamaath president Alhaj A R Basheer Ahamed, Tamil Nadu Haj organisors association president Alhaj A Mohamed Rafeek, Iqra Educational Trust president Alhaj H E Iqbal Sait, Project Manager in Kuwait Haji M A Azad will address the audience at the book release event. Himayathul Muslimeen Sunnath Jamaath, Podanur secretary Haji KTS Riyas Kapoor will propose the vote of thanks. Other dignitaries who will speak at the event include Holy Quran translator Prof Mohamed Khan baqavi, TN state Jamathul Ulema deputy general secretary Moulavi Alhaj K M Ilyas Riyaji, Chennai Anna Salai Makkah Masjid chief imam Moulana M Mohammed Mansoor Kasimi, Madras University HoD Arabic, Persian and Urdu Dr A Zakir Hussain Baqavi and senior network consultant, Abudhabi Dr Mohamed Ibrahim.
source: / Muslim Mirror / Home> Indian Muslim> Positive Story> Religion / by M. Rafi Ahmed / October 10th, 2019