Category Archives: Business & Economy

Dr Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqui: The Father of Modern Islamic Banking

Gorakhpur, UTTAR PRADESH / California, U.S.A :

Dr Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqui: The Father of Modern Islamic Banking

MILLIONS of people around the world benefit from interest-free baking. But, not many know that the scholar who made it possible within the context of the modern economic system left for his final abode on November 11 in San Jose, some 8,000 miles away from a small village in Northern India where he was born in Gorakhpur in 1931.

Dr. Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi left a legacy that will continue to help countless access interest-free loans to achieve their dreams. Nejat means salvation. Dr. Nejatullah’s work proved salvation to people who could not advance their financial growth in the highly competitive world due to a lack of capital. Who would have thought that growing up in colonial India, Dr. Nejat would surpass the peak of academic excellence and achieve professorship in two of the world’s most prestigious universities, the Muslim University of Aligarh and Kind Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia. Indeed, education in British India was reluctant to open the door for an aspiring Muslim student to help develop the Islamic Development Bank, which has financed thousands of development projects worldwide.

But he did it with dedication, commitment, and desire to translate concepts into concrete programs to benefit people. He labored hard to author 63 significant books, hundreds of articles, and thousands of lectures worldwide while pioneering economics based on divine principles of justice and equity.

His most widely read book is “Banking without interest,” published in more than 30 editions between 1973 and 2022. His other works in English include Recent Theories of Profit: A Critical Examination (1971); Economic Enterprise in Islam (1972); Muslim Economic Thinking (1981); Banking Without Interest (1983); Issues in Islamic banking: selected papers (1983); Partnership and profit-sharing in Islamic law (1985); Insurance in an Islamic Economy (1985); Teaching Economics in Islamic Perspective (1996); Role of State in Islamic Economy (1996); Dialogue in Islamic Economics (2002) and Islam’s View on Property (1969). He received two major awards for his work: King Faisal International Prize for service to Islamic Studies and Shah Waliullah Award for his contribution to Islamic Economics.

Describing the future of Islamic Economics, he wrote in 2013 that the changing world would call for five strategic changes in approach: Family rather than the market as the starting point in economic analysis; Cooperation playing a more significant role in the economy, complementing competition; Debts playing a subsidiary rather than the dominant role in financial markets; Interest and interest-bearing instruments playing no part in money creation and monetary management; and, lastly, Maqasid based thinking supplanting analogical reasoning in Islamic economic jurisprudence. In what follows, I’d like to discuss these points to help you get in touch with these challenging propositions.

He wrote about his involvement in Islamic economics.

“I have been involved in Islamic economics most of my life. At school, however, I studied science subjects but switched to economics, Arabic, and English literature for my BA degree at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), which I joined in 1949. My reading habit influenced my decision. I was devoted to al-Hilal and al-Balagh magazines, published under Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (1888–1958), poet, critic, thinker, and one of the great leaders of the Independence Movement. I also read al-Tableegh and was influenced by the Deobandi scholar Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanawi (1863–1943), the author of the famous book on belief and correct conduct (for women), Heavenly Ornaments. And as most young people of my age and time, I studied the works of Maulana Abul Ala Maududi (1903–1979). Two of Maududi’s pieces deeply impacted me: lectures at Nadwatul Ulama, Lucknow, and a scheme he proposed to Aligarh Muslim University, both in the mid-1940s, later published in a collection titled Taleemat. Under the influence of these ulama – religious scholars – I abandoned science and the engineering career I had planned. Instead, I wanted to learn Arabic, gain direct access to Islamic sources, and discover how modern life and Islamic teachings interacted. I stuck to this mission, even though I had to take several detours stretching over six years – to Sanwi Darsgah e Jamaat e Islami, Rampur, and Madrasatul Islah in Saraimir before I arrived eventually at Aligarh to earn a Ph.D. in economics.

The years spent in Rampur and Saraimir were full of lively interaction with Ulama. We spent most of our time discussing the Qur’an, the traditions of the Prophet, commentaries on the Qur’an, fiqh (jurisprudence), and usul-e-fiqh, or principles of jurisprudence. That this happened in the company of young men my age, fired by the same zeal, was an added advantage. We had each chosen a subject – political science, philosophy, economics – that we thought would enhance our understanding of modern life. We combined modern secular and old-religious learning to produce something that would right what was wrong with the world. We received a warm welcome from Zakir Hussain (1897–1969), the former President of India, then Vice-Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University; Mohammad Aaqil Saheb, Professor of Economics at Jamia Milliyah Islamia, Delhi; and by eminent teachers at Osmania University in Hyderabad.

Our mission was to introduce Islamic ideas to economics. These were at three levels:

  • A background provided by Islam’s worldview places economic matters in a holistic framework.
  • A set of goals for individual behavior and monetary policy,
  • Norms and values, resulting in appropriate institutions.
  • Maududi argued that this exercise performed in critical social sciences would pave the way for progress toward an ‘Islamic society. I was fully sold on the idea. We were also influenced by the extraordinary times through which Islam and Muslims were passing worldwide. Islam was ‘re-emerging’ after three centuries of colonization which was preceded by another three centuries of stagnation and intellectual atrophy. The great depression had just exposed capitalism’s darker side, and Russian-sponsored socialism was enlisting sympathizers. We thought Islam had a chance if only a convincing case could be made.

Dr. Nejatullah Siddiqi devoted an entire book to the Objectives of Shariah (Maqasid Shariah). He did not agree with those writers who insisted on the five categories of objectives mentioned by al-Ghazali, claiming that many other purposes come under them in one way or another. He suggested more goals to be added beside and beyond the five mentioned above, such as honor and dignity of humankind, fundamental freedom, justice and equity, poverty alleviation, sustenance for all, social equality, bridging the gap between the rich and the poor, peace and security, preservation of system, and cooperation at the world level. He supports his stand by various verses of the Qur’an and the sayings of the Prophet, especially in dealing with the non-Muslims.”

Dr. Siddiqi surveyed the history of the idea of Shariah objectives. To him, the concept of Shariah objectives has existed from the very beginning of Islamic history. But it was al-Juwayni (d. 478/1085) who first used the term, from whom his disciple al-Ghazali (d. 505/1111) took it and divided it into five categories: Protection of religion, life, reason, progeny, and property. Ibn Taymiyah (d. 728H/1328) introduced the protection of dignity in place of progeny. He also argued that objectives should not be limited to the protection from haram (forbidden) but should include securing benefits. Thus, the number would be unrestricted to five objectives. Ibn al-Qayyim followed the suit of his teacher, Ibn Taymiyah, and included justice among the objectives. He examined the opinions of al-Shatibi (d. 790/1389), Shah Wali Allah al- Dihlawi (d. 1172/1763), and a quick survey of the contemporary literature.

At 91, when he breathed his last in this mortal world surrounded by his life-long partner, three sons, and two daughters, Dr. Nejat had already achieved what only a few chosen ones achieved. He ensured perpetual reward from his creator for his contributions to bringing millions into the fold of economic growth. As a result, marginalized people who lagged because of the lack of capital are in the process of building a stable financial life. Dr. Nejatullah turned concepts of divine justice and equity into practical reality. When he started his work on Islamic banking, there was hardly an institution applying religious principles; now, there are over 500 Islamic banks and thousands of other non-interest-bearing financial institutions. His legacy is there to stay and benefit people worldwide. His work has turned him into a legend, and the future generation would rightly call him the father of modern Islamic banking. His nephew, Dr. Ahmadullah Siddiq, Professor of Media Studies in Illinois, said, “It is not a loss of a family, but a loss of a generation that always looked at uncle Nejatullah as a shining source of inspiration.”

Academic honours

Awarded King Faisal International Prize for Islamic Studies, 1982.

American Finance House Award, 1993

Ph.D. in Economics from Aligarh Muslim University, India, 1966.

Arabic and Islamic learning from Rampur, India, 1954.

Work experience

Professor of Economics, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, from October 1978 to the present.

Professor of Islamic Studies, Aligarh Muslim University, India, from 1977 to 1978. (On leave from AMU from 1978 to 1983)

Reader (Associate Professor) in Economics, Aligarh Muslim University, India, from 1975 to 1976.

Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Economics, Aligarh Muslim University, India, from 1961 to 1974.

Supervised several Ph.D. dissertations at Aligarh University, Ummul Qura University, Makkah, Imam Saud University, Riyadh, and Sokoto University, Nigeria.

Editorial and Advisory positions

Member, Editorial Board, Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics, Jeddah from 1983 to present.

Member International Board, Review of Islamic Economics, International Association of Islamic Economics, Leicester, U.K. from 1991 to present.

Member, Advisory Board, Islamic Economic Studies, Islamic Research, and Training Institute, Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah.

Member, Board of Trustees, AAOIFI (Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions, Bahrain) 1999 –

Member, Editorial Board, IQTISAD Journal of Islamic Economics, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 1999

Member, Advisory Editorial Board, The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, AMSS & IIIT, U.S.A. from 1985 to 1991.

Member, Advisory Board of the Journal, Humonomics, Toronto, Canada from 1985 to Present.

Member, Advisory Board, MASS, Journal of Islamic Sciences, Aligarh, India, from 1985 to 1997.

Editor, Islamic Thought, Aligarh, 1954-1959.

List of published books

1. Economics, an Islamic Approach, The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, U.K. 1999

2. Teaching Economics in Islamic Perspective, Centre for Research in Islamic Economics, KAAU, Jeddah, 1996

3. Role of the State in the Economy, The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, U.K, 1996

4. Insurance in an Islamic Economy, The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, U.K. 1985

5. Partnership and Profit-Sharing in Islamic Law. The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, U.K. 1985

6. Banking Without Interest, The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, U.K. 1983

7. Issues in Islamic Banking. The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, U.K. 1983

8. Muslim Economic Thinking. The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, U.K. 1981

9. Contemporary Literature on Islamic Economics, The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, U.K. 1978

10. Economic Enterprise in Islam, Markazi Maktaba Islami, Delhi, India. 1972

11. Some Aspects of the Islamic Economy, Markazi Maktaba Islami, Delhi, India. 1972

12. Muslim Personal Law (Edited), Markazi Maktaba Islami, Delhi, India. 1972

13. Recent Theories of Profit: A Critical Examination. Asia Publishing House, Bombay, India. 1971

N.B: Some of these books have also been published in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Indonesian, Malay, Hindi, and Bengali languages.


1. Tahreek Islami Asr Hazir Men (Contemporary Islamic Movement). 1995 Markazi Maktaba Islami, Delhi, India.

2. Quran awr Science (Excerpts from Syed Qutb’s Tafsir with a detailed Introduction). 1978 Markazi Maktaba Islami, Delhi, India.

3. Nash’at Saniyah Ki Rah (Towards Islamic Renaissance) 1974 Markazi Maktaba Islami, Delhi, India.

4. Insurance Islami Ma’ishat Men (Insurance in Islamic Economy). 1974 Markazi Maktaba Islami, Delhi, India.

5. Ghair Sudi Bank Kari (Interest Free Banking) 1969 Markazi Maktaba Islami, Delhi, India.

6. Shirkat awr Mudarabat Ke Shar’i Usul (Sharia Principles of Partnership and Profit-Sharing). 1969 Markazi Maktaba Islami, Delhi, India.

7. Islam Ka Nazarriyah Milkiyat (2 Vols.) (Islam’s Theory of Property). 1969 Islamic Publications, Lahore, Pakistan.

8. Islam Ka Nizam-e-Mahasil (Translation of Abu Yusuf’s Kitab al Kharaj).1966 Islamic Publications, Lahore, Pakistan.

9. Islam Men `Adl-e-Ijtimat’i (Translation of Syed Qutb’s al `Adalah al Ijtimaiyah fi’l Islam). 1963 Islamic Publications, Lahore, Pakistan.

10. Islami Adab (edited) (Islami Literature) 1960 Markazi Maktaba Islami, Delhi, India.


Dr Aslam Abdullah is an Indian American writer and activist.

source: / Clarion India / Home> Features> Indian Muslim / by Dr. Aslam Abdullah / November 14th, 2022

Innovative equipment, approaches put Dr Gazala Habib’s air pollution research into top gear


Her work pinpoints the sources of aerosols and their role in driving regional climate change in India, besides equipping the Ministry of Environment with the right knowledge regarding policymaking.

Dr Gazala Habib never imagined she would be a scientist one day. She recalls entertaining the idea of becoming one while watching the 1969 Bollywood spy thriller Yakeen at her home in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, but the moment was short-lived. 

In the movie, Dharmendra plays a swashbuckling scientist who battles everything from enemy agents to his own doppelganger as part of a secret mission to save the country. “As much as I wanted to be like him, I also knew that it was out of the question. I came from a small town and a very conservative background, and had not heard of any woman scientist growing up,” says Dr Habib, now 49. 

Eventually, Dr Habib did get to live her childhood dream. A professor at the Department of Civil Engineering of the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi), her work focuses on measuring air pollutants, particularly aerosols, in ambient air using innovative equipment and approaches.

Innovative equipment, approaches put Gazala Habib's air pollution research  into top gear - PUNE.NEWS
Dr Habib set up and heads the Aerosol Research and Characterization Laboratory at IIT Delhi

She also set up and heads the Aerosol Research and Characterization Laboratory at IIT Delhi, which undertakes cutting-edge research on sources of aerosols and their impacts on human health. “We strive to fill up the significant gaps in our understanding of personal exposure to particulate matter [PM] in urban areas. This will assist policymakers to better measure the impacts and inform policy initiatives,” she explains.

Dr Habib says only limited studies on PM have been conducted in India, and that too mostly at one or two locations. “None of them provide an overarching assessment of human exposure in an urban context — integrating a variety of typical exposures across a typical day, and being useful in comparing different types of exposures throughout a person’s daily activity,” she details.

Much of the work has been carried out as part of the Emissions Inventory Building Activity under the National Carbonaceous Aerosols Programme-Carbonaceous Aerosol Emissions, Source Apportionment and Climate Impacts (NCAP-COALESCE), a multi-institutional research and capacity building initiative funded by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change. Dr Habib is the project incharge and coordinator in IIT Delhi for this programme.

“India does not have a uniform emissions inventory system [to measure total emissions from each pollutant from each sector]. The work under NCAP-COALESCE aims at equipping the Ministry of Environment with the right knowledge to aid sound decision-making on pollution policy,” she says.  

To that end, Dr Habib and a team of researchers have developed a Versatile Source Sampling System (VS3), which will measure emissions and help monitor pollutants. The compact unit allows air to be drawn through a preweighed filter at a known rate, thus collecting particles in the air on its surface. The filter is weighed again to determine the mass of particles collected, and by dividing the mass by the total volume of air, the particle concentrations can be measured.

In comparison with other air monitoring equipment, VS3 is more sophisticated, sensitive and capable of measuring emissions, particularly small particulate matter, from a variety of sources such as residential cooking stove, open biomass burning, brick kilns and vehicles. While the technology was developed in IIT Delhi, Dr Habib says it is being used across NCAP-COALESCE partner institutions to understand complexities related to carbonaceous aerosols.

Challenging the traditional mindset

By her own admission, Dr Habib’s journey into the scientific world was not easy. “My father was a telephone operator, and my mother a primary school teacher. I am one of the eight siblings. We did not have luxuries, but my parents, especially my father, prioritised our education,” she says.

Her parents were strict about school, but their expectations relaxed a bit when time for enrolling in college arrived. “There were people in my family who were like, ladkiyon ko zyada padhane ki zaroorat nai hai [there is no need to educate girls much]. At one point, my father also contemplated the idea of my marriage after BSc,” she says.

“They expected my brothers to do engineering, and thought I should do a science degree and start preparing for IAS. But I felt that my brother was more admired by my parents because he was inclined towards engineering. He is 10 minutes older than me, and I thought to myself, if he can do it, why not me?” she adds.  

With a little help from her brother, she managed to convince her parents to study engineering. Later, she gained admission to Bachelors of Engineering at the National Institute of Technology, Raipur. Subsequently, she pursued MTech in environmental engineering from Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur. 

Dr Habib’s earliest memories revolve around working with a large group to identify carcinogenic compounds present in emissions generated from burning crop waste in rural India

Rigours of research

Dr Habib believes destiny defined the trajectory of her career. “I was contemplating about PhD, when a junior directed me to a vacancy at IIT Bombay. I managed to apply just in time,” she says.

There were only two vacancies, and on account of a particularly gruelling panel interview, she recalls putting down her chances of selection as next to nil. However, she got selected. Her PhD mentor was Chandra Venkatraman, a Professor of Chemical Engineering and Climate Studies at IIT Bombay, who Dr Habib says “changed her way of thinking”.

“I was very shy and conventional. I remember telling her that I had never travelled alone. I told her I am not the girl who can go out and measure pollution,” she recalls. Venkatraman laid her apprehensions to rest, and Dr Habib eventually joined her mentor to work on a project analysing emissions from residential fuel sources. 

The five years at IIT Bombay groomed Dr Habib to become the scientist she is today.

“I remember I started work in January and she immediately put my name up for speaking at an international conference in October. I was from a Hindi medium background, and did not even know English! She taught me to make my first PowerPoint presentation and my first Excel sheet. She taught me not only science, but also communication. Whatever I am today, it is because of her,” says Dr Habib. 

Dr Habib’s earliest memories revolve around working with a large group to identify carcinogenic compounds present in emissions generated from burning crop waste in rural India

Her earliest memories revolve around working with a large group to identify carcinogenic compounds present in emissions generated from burning crop waste in rural India. “I learnt a lot from this group about how to collect samples, what kind of machines to use and how to use them,” she says. This was soon followed by her first international trip to France, where she got to work with Olivier Boucher, Director of Research, French National Centre for Scientific Research. 

The coursework was demanding, and added to that was the pressure to get married. “I think the rush to get women married is also why a large number of them end up dropping out of PhDs or giving up their careers,” she adds. After consulting Prof Venkatraman, Dr Habib decided to get married only after finishing her PhD, a promise she ended up keeping. 

The rigours of research eventually got to her and she remembers a point in her PhD when she became depressed. Her time at the University of Illinois, and then University of San Diego, for postdoctoral work, worsened things. “I felt lonely during my US stint, but rediscovered myself after frequenting a mosque based on a colleague’s advice,” she says.

Entry into academic sphere

In June 2008, Dr Habib joined IIT Delhi as an assistant professor. In November the same year, she got married.She was regularised in her post in 2010, and promoted as an associate professor in 2018. In March this year, she became a professor.

In the last 15 years, she has provided valuable data that helps understand air pollution better. For example, her team measured the impact of PM 10 and 2.5 particle concentration on mortality rates to assess that the numbers attributable to PM 2.5 particle concentration in Ghaziabad was 70% higher than Delhi.

“Exposure to PM has been recognised as a well known human health risk factor, however, its quantification for various regions, including India, is still not well established. In the last few years, we have undertaken many studies to help quantify this data by studying the impact of pollutants on different organs, including heart and lungs, as well as different demographic populations,” she says.

With respect to Delhi’s pollution problem, she says, “In the winters, we cannot stop talking about stubble burning in Punjab and Haryana. If you read the source apportionment papers from Delhi, you will find that pollution due to stubble burning lasts only a few days. The long-term problem that we should be solving is suspension of dust from roads. From a personal exposure perspective, vehicles account for 20 to 30% of PM 2.5 concentration,” she says.

She believes having a policy on effectively managing crop waste is the need of the hour. “In a paper we recently submitted to Nature, we discovered that despite the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, a majority of rural households still use fuel dung for energy. If they use crop waste for biogas generation in addition to cow dung, there is no need of pushing LPG down their throats. It will cost less also,” she adds. 

Dr Habib thinks funding needs should be simplified and freed from the shackles of bureaucracy for the research to contribute more effectively to policy.  Also, India should follow an integrated approach and make the data publicly available. “What we need is a network programme that brings scientists under one umbrella, gives them standard equipment, procedure and a common goal,” she says. 

“Source apportionment studies are being done in India by state Pollution Control Pollution Boards (PCBs) and Central PCB in non-attainment cities,  but there is no  national network. Every state is following its own rules — so methodologies, data analysis and data curation methods are different. Therefore, you cannot compare data from two cities,” she adds.

At present, Dr Habib’s focus is on setting up a state-of-the-art laboratory where all kinds of devices related to air pollution safety and monitoring can be evaluated for their performance

State-of-the-art laboratory

At present, Dr Habib’s focus is on setting up a state-of-the-art laboratory where all kinds of devices related to air pollution safety (like air purifiers, masks) and monitoring can be evaluated for their performance. “We have just received a grant from the Department of Science and Technology under SATHI [Sophisticated Analytical and Technical Help Institutes]. The laboratory will be developed at IIT Delhi’s Sonipat campus. At present, gate number 3 of IIT Delhi has such a facility,” she says. 

Dr Habib swears by the support of her husband, her 13-year-old son and 11-year-old daughter. “There are creches and day care centres on campus now, but they were not available when I had children. I do not think I would have been able to manage it all without my husband,” she says.

She believes that for more girls to study sciences and mathematics in India, discrimination needs to end. “When you put differences in their minds from the beginning, they start believing they are weak,” she says, adding that true equality can be gauged from the representation women receive. “I am still the only woman in the room in most conferences. This needs to change.”

“I never thought I would be able to do this. I had this epiphany a couple of times that I wanted to be a scientist, but the guidance came from somewhere, somehow. It was all god’s plan I say, because I never planned this,” she sums up.

source: / Rukhmabai Initiatives / Home / by Shikha Sharma / August 28th, 2023

Launch Of Cogito Media Foundation For Digital Media Platforms


Leading English, Urdu, and Hindi news portals in the country have come together to establish a national-level joint platform officially named “Cogito Media Foundation.” The announcement took place at the Millat Times office in Batla House, Delhi. The foundation aims to unite digital media platforms at various levels and enhance journalistic values and responsibility.

At the launch, journalists highlighted the importance of collective responsibility among digital media platforms to safeguard press freedom and uphold journalistic values. Cogito Media Foundation intends to facilitate training for journalists at the district and block levels, establish a self-regulatory system, and address legal issues faced by journalists and media institutions. The foundation also plans to launch campaigns for public awareness to solve financial challenges faced by media organizations.

Journalists associated with Cogito Media Foundation expressed concerns about the current state of journalism, emphasizing the need to shift focus from political turmoil to addressing the real problems faced by marginalized communities, including Muslims, Dalits, women, and tribals. They called for strengthening journalism that represents the neglected narratives of these sections and contributes to societal development, health, education, economy, and social bonds.

Cogito Media Foundation comprises 16 digital media organizations, including Millat Times, Maktoob Media, Muslim Mirror, The Cognate, The Observer Post, Haque Media, Nous Network, Baseerat Online, Stories Karvan, Clarion India, Asia Times, Milli Digest, Insaaf Times, Journo Mirror, and Khabar Adda.

The foundation has invited other media organizations to join the initiative by filling out an online form. Additionally, plans for a detailed program with new members and a major media conclave in the capital are underway, with details to be released soon.

Online Form for Joining:

source: / The Cognate / Home> News / by The Cognate News Desk / January 04th, 2024

UAE Chapter of UAE-India Business Council established, Faizal Kottikollon appointed Chairman


Abu Dhabi (UAE): 

The UAE-Indian business council has been established on the first anniversary of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) deal signed by India and the United Arab Emirates. The formation of the council is aimed at increasing investment and bilateral trade between the two countries.

The UAE India Business Council – UAE Chapter (UIBC-UC) was launched in Dubai by Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, UAE Minister of State for Foreign Trade, in the presence of Ambassador of India to the UAE Sunjay Sudhir, Consul General of India in Dubai Dr. Aman Puri and founding members of the UBIC-UC.

 (Faizal Kottikollon)

NRI businessman Faizal Kottikollon was appointed as the chairman of the council. Faizal Kottikollon said the main purpose of the council was to build trust.

“In the past, several UAE companies have taken some poor decisions while investing in India because they were not confident to invest large amount of money,” he said. “We will act as a channel partner and a bridge. The basis of any business is trust. When you develop trust, everything becomes easier.” He was quoted as saying by Khaleej Times.

With both countries growing rapidly, Faizal, who is the chairman of KEF Holdings, said this council was the need of the hour. “UAE has become the centre of the world after Covid,” he said. “India has got so much knowledge, but we need a lot of capital. UAE got a significant amount of capital. So, if you can marry these two things, it’s a powerhouse. What this council does is identifying projects in both the countries and bring investment through this channel.”

Faizal confirmed that there are several projects already in the pipeline. “We are very confident that there’ll be three large investments coming into India soon,” he said. “We will announce the details in due course of time, but I can assure you that it is indeed a very exciting time.”

“This is a very significant thing,” said Sunjay Sudhir. “We want to bring together their experience of doing business in both countries so as to further lubricate the investment and business corridor between both countries. They will discuss ideas on how to further generate trade and investment opportunities.”

The founding members of the UIBC-UC from the UAE side are Mubadala, Wizz Financial, DP World, Emaar, Emirates airline and Emirates NBD. From the Indian side, conglomerates such as Tata, Reliance, and Adani are represented, as well as tech innovators like OLA, Zerodha, Udaan, and EaseMyTrip, along with prominent Indian entrepreneur-led corporations based in the UAE such as KEF Holdings, Buimerc Corporation, Apparel Group, EFS and Lulu Financial.

Siddharth Balachandran, executive chairman and CEO of Buimerc Corporation Ltd said the UIBC-UC will further strengthen the growth of India-UAE relationship. “To channelise the various investments, we need channels like these,” he said. “It will add a layer of credibility and give investors a channel to verify investment opportunities.”

Rizwan Soomar, CEO & MD (India Subcontinent) at DP World, will serve as the Co-Chairman of UIBC-UC. Major General (Retd.) Sharafuddin Sharaf, who serves as the Chairman of the UIBC India Chapter, will also hold the position of Vice Chairman of UIBC-UC.

The council will have its office in Abu Dhabi and will be a pan-UAE body focusing on promoting trade and investment relations between the UAE and India. Membership to UIBC-UC will be by invitation only, and institutional members will be invited over time.

An India chapter of the business council was established in New Delhi in 2015 by Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and the late Sushma Swaraj, who was then Minister of External Affairs of India, during the 11th Session of the India-UAE Joint Commission Meeting.

source: / Vartha Bharati / Home> Gulf / by Vartha Bharati / February 18th, 2023

Zach Faizal’s Peec Mobility, BEEAH, SRTIP forge partnership for sustainable mobility in Sharjah

KERALA / Mangaluru, KARNATAKA / Dubai , U.A.E:

In a groundbreaking move toward sustainable transportation, BEEAH has officially entered into a strategic partnership with Peec Mobility and the Sharjah Research, Technology and Innovation Park (SRTIP).

The collaboration aims to revolutionize local electric vehicle production by repurposing end-of-life petrol vehicles, fostering recycling practices to support a circular economy, and driving research and skill development in the burgeoning field of sustainable mobility.

The partnership agreement, signed at the BEEAH Headquarters, saw the participation of key figures, including Her Excellency Sheikha Bodour bint Sultan Al Qasimi, President of the American University of Sharjah and Chairperson of SRTIP; Khaled Al Huraimel, Group CEO of BEEAH; Zach Faizal, Founder of Peec Mobility; and HE Hussain Al Mahmoudi, CEO of SRTIP.

Zach Faizal’s brainchild, Peec Mobility, has been at the forefront of innovation since its inception in 2022. The Dubai-based startup specializes in the repurposing of retired petrol vehicles, seamlessly transforming them into electric vehicles with a remarkable 30% cost reduction and an 80% decrease in manufacturing time compared to the production of new electric vehicles.

Faizal, a 24-year-old entrepreneur, envisions Peec Mobility’s technology as a game-changer for the region. He emphasizes that their re-engineering process offers a more cost-effective, quicker, and environmentally friendly transition to electric mobility than investing in entirely new electric vehicles.

“Today, re-engineering is quicker, smoother, and greener than buying new EVs, and proves cost-efficient,” Faizal stated during the announcement. “Peec’s vehicles are aimed to be priced at 30 per cent to 50 per cent lower with the volumes we’re looking at, thus solving the affordability challenge in the sector,” he added.

Peec Mobility’s focus extends beyond individual cars, with ambitious plans to repurpose entire fleets of ICE buses, cars, and trucks on UAE roads. Faizal believes in the efficacy of reusing existing vehicles, stating that “waste is minimized, and a new life cycle begins.”

The partnership seeks to support Sharjah’s transition to sustainable mobility while minimizing the environmental impact of the production and repurposing processes. The overarching goal is to contribute to national and global objectives for zero-waste, circularity, sustainable transport, and decarbonization.

Zach Faizal expressed his commitment to the cause, stating, “Conversion is the most pragmatic route to Net-Zero. Once we succeed with our business strategy here, we will take it to other countries to redefine the used-car market.”

As part of the collaboration, Peec Mobility and its partners plan to unveil the first lineup of repurposed mid-sized sedans and buses at the UN Climate Change Conference, showcasing the innovative technology and commitment to sustainable practices.

With the support of the government, Peec Mobility aims to implement the conversion at scale, creating a replicable model not only for the UAE but potentially for other countries. Faizal proposes a policy to repurpose 5.0% of existing vehicles on the road annually for the next seven years, aligning with the UAE’s Net Zero goal.

As of now, Peec Mobility is on track to introduce at least 500 repurposed EVs on Dubai roads by 2024, offering a tangible solution to the affordability challenge associated with electric vehicles.

Zach Faizal is the son of Faizal Kottikollon and Shabana Faizal, a well-known Indian entrepreneur couple based in the UAE. The couple is not only known for their business endeavors but also for their philanthropic contributions.

Shabana hails from Mangaluru in the Karnataka state of India. She is the only daughter of prominent businessman and socio-religious leader Late B Ahmed Haji Mohiudeen who founded the prestigious BA Group of Businesses in Thumbay near Mangaluru.

source: / Vartha Bharati / Home> Gulf / by Vartha Bharati / December 13th, 2023

The migrant workers who keep the aquaculture industry alive


Seafood production has become a globalised industry and many countries have seafood industries that are being buoyed by overseas migrant workers – hard-working people who left their home countries, and often their entire families, to seek their fortunes abroad.

Aslam Pathiri Originally from India, Pathiri is a passionate commercial finfish aquaculturist and researcher with 15 years of aquaculture experience in Asia and the Middle East

The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) estimates that fishing and aquaculture employs over 60 million people globally. The seafood industry of the United States for example, which employs over 200,000 workers and contributes $38.5 billion to its gross domestic product, has a large share of Mexican, Vietnamese and Filipino workers. In 2017, New American Economy revealed that an astounding 62.8 percent of all seafood processing workers in the United States were immigrants. There are few hard figures available for fish farm workers but it is safe to say that immigrants comprise an increasingly large share of the workforce.

Because of their position, overseas migrant workers can more easily face tough conditions, ranging from loneliness and culture shock to language barriers and potentially unfair working conditions. Their respective experiences can range from the lavish heights of success to nightmarish experiences surprisingly close to medieval forced labour, as has been documented by the International Labour Organization (ILO) on some unscrupulous fishing vessels.

However, the great majority of migrant seafood workers live largely normal and productive lives. To celebrate the importance of these unsung heroes – and to highlight the importance of treating all seafood industry workers fairly – The Fish Site talks to two seafood workers who have made good abroad.

Born and raised in India, Aslam Pathiri is a passionate commercial finfish aquaculturist and researcher with 15 years of aquaculture experience in Asia and the Middle East, while Carlo Dequina hails from the Philippines and has been working in the North American seafood industry for over seven years.

Carlo Dequina Growing up in the Philippines Dequina helped his parents sell dried seafood to friends and family – 30 years later he’s now a sales manager for Kvaroy Arctic, a family run salmon farm in Norway

How did you become interested in aquaculture?

Aslam: My passion for aquaculture grew while I was pursuing my master’s degree at Aligarh Muslim University in my home country of India. The abundance of freshwater bodies in our suburbs, coupled with the fact that they were not being efficiently farmed, ignited something of a spark in me. I eventually worked for the Kerala Ministry of Fisheries before flying off to Umm Al Quwain in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to work with Mubarak Fisheries. I then moved on to different projects, including a corporate fish hatchery in Saudi Arabia; freelance consultation in India and the UAE; aquaculture research for a Saudi University; and, most recently, as the group production manager of Oceanpick in Sri Lanka.

Carlo: My interest in the seafood space started very early. My father was a sales manager for a pharmaceutical company in Panay, an island in the Central Philippines. He used to bring home various boxes of dried seafood to Manila, where our family lived. Mom and I would repack his boxes to sell to neighbours, friends, even my schoolteachers. The quality of dried seafood from the Panay region was universally well-known. I immigrated to the United States right after graduating from the Ateneo de Manila University in 2003 with a degree in communications. I started in the aquaculture space as a salmon and fresh seafood buyer, working for International Marine Products (a seafood wholesaler) in Los Angeles and moved to Strand Foods (a seafood importer focused on high quality farmed products such as salmon from Scotland, bream and seabass from Cyprus and barramundi from Arizona). I recently joined the team at Kvaroy Artic, which farms salmon in Norway. I never thought that – 30 years after selling dried seafood with my parents – I’d be selling seafood on a much, much larger scale!

I believe there are countless opportunities – such as sales, farm work, marketing and logistics, as well as scholarships – where overseas workers can thrive and succeed.

What sacrifices might an overseas worker face?

Aslam: “Life begins at the end of our comfort zone”, said Neale Donald Walsh. Overseas workers who work over a quarter of a century abroad often lose the community touch back home and might suffer withdrawal syndromes and find difficulty fitting in. This sometimes leads to the loss of peace and happiness, even the loss of life itself in extreme cases. A good way to survive is to ignore the inadequacies, imperfections and weaknesses of your time served abroad while concentrating on the financial security gained, the level of knowledge produced and shared, the diversity of professional contacts made and the level of education extended to your children back home. In all my previous assignments, I always connected with people who shared my vision and interests, generating good results and creative solutions to challenges. I try to create the most congenial settings within and around me to ensure that my colleagues and I constantly work at ease.

Carlo: I think being away from family, friends and one’s typical way of life are among the biggest sacrifices one has to make in order to succeed in any international endeavour. Still, I believe there are countless opportunities – such as sales, farm work, marketing and logistics, as well as scholarships – where overseas workers can thrive and succeed.

Your homegrown skills will definitely get honed and raised to global standards on a transnational stage.

What advantages can overseas workers offer employers?

Aslam: Aquaculture farms are now integrating various disciplines and multinational capabilities. This kind of mutual empowerment generates better learning insights, cultural growth, collaborative intelligence and socio-economic safety. Having to work with diverse people and cultures can force us to fine-tune our skills, especially for multinational-level decision-making. Your homegrown skills will definitely get honed and raised to global standards on a transnational stage.

Carlo: I think the fact that English is a very dominant language in the Philippines as well as the level and standard of education we have back home contributes to the production of highly-skilled employees, managers and business owners. Filipinos have thrived in almost all industries – particularly because of our adaptability and willingness to learn, fit in and innovate in any space.

Kvaroy Arctic’s cages in Norway Carlo Dequina is the Western regional sales manager for this family-owned salmon farm based in Norway © Janita Zentano

Can you tell us about what you do?

Aslam: Over the past 15 years I have been an active consultant and troubleshooter, actively curating teething larviculture and nursing problems of tropical marine finfish. I am currently the general manager for the hatchery and grow-out operations of Oceanpick, Sri Lanka’s maiden sea cage fish farm, farming primarily barramundi. I am proud to say that we pioneered the South Asian initiative of commercial marine aquaculture. Our ocean-grown barramundi tastes second-to-none and is a healthy alternative to both chicken and red meat.

Carlo: I’m currently the Western regional sales manager for Kvaroy Arctic, a family-owned salmon farm based in Norway. Over the past three years, we’ve successfully promoted and built a reputation of consistency and high quality in the salmon space. I think that, in the future, knowledge from innovative companies such as Kvaroy Arctic can be transferred to aquaculture businesses in the Philippines, helping to someday lift our own tropical seafood portfolio to the world.

Aslam Pathiri inspects a shrimp farm in his native India Pathiri’s advice is to realise that it’s not always necessary to leave home, knowing you can “shine your light and serve your society anywhere, whether in distant lands or in your home village”

Any advice for future overseas aquaculture aspirants?

Aslam: I love sayings so allow me to end with one from Susan Young: “Connecting with others gives you a sense of inclusion, connection, interaction, safety and community. Your ‘vibe’ attracts your ‘tribe’ so if you want to attract positive and healthy relationships, be positive!” We should look at our future with clarity and optimism. Be a powerhouse of beliefs and values in everything you say and do. Cultivate a collective sense of purpose. Help influence, motivate and enable your peers while ensuring that knowledge is shared. Lastly, realise that you do not always need to leave home. Shine your light and serve your society anywhere, whether in distant lands or in your home village.

Carlo: “The advantage of working in aquaculture is that there will always, always be a need for seafood as a protein source for the world’s ever-growing population. The caveat to this is finding the right companies and programmes that champion raising seafood the right way so we don’t just look at our bottom line, but the larger picture where our planet’s resources are protected for future generations. To those looking to pursue their passion in aquaculture know that – as long as you stay true to your values and your work ethic – then there are companies that will take notice and provide you with the support to grow as aquaculture industry practitioners.

Ensuring equitable conditions for overseas migrant workers

To ensure that ethical and equitable business practices are adopted, certification standards, such as the Aquacultue Stewardship Council (ASC), are paying more attention to the overall welfare of seafood workers, plus the communities affected by seafood production activities.

Among these is strict adherence to fair wages, the abolition of child labour, elimination of discrimination, eradication of forced labour, freedom of association and the ability to have collective bargaining power without the constant fear of being deported. Farsighted fish farms and seafood processing facilities should read and incorporate these relevant measures.

Globalisation is continuously making the aquaculture field a smaller place through the fluid exchange of species, technologies, best practices and of course, talent. Although not everyone will have the same experiences, Aslam and Carlo are two of the millions of hard-working immigrants who have successfully made waves in farms, laboratories and seafood markets across the seven seas.

source: / The Fish Site / Home> Media> Atlantic Salmon> Barramundi / by Jonah Van Beijnen and Gregg Yan / July 03rd, 2023

Tamil Nadu: Perambalur man develops wood stoves as alternative to costly LPG

Viswakudi Village (Veppanthattai Block),Perambalur, TAMIL NADU:

With limited formal education but an interest in electronics, Rahmatullah leveraged his experience as an electrician and TV mechanic to make the modern wood stoves as a replacement to gas stoves.

Perambalur :

The high pricing of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders is forcing Perambalur residents to switch back to cooking with firewood.

But instead of traditional firewood cooking, the residents are using modern wood-burning stoves, thanks to an entrepreneur from Viswakudi village in Veppanthattai block.

Tamil Nadu: Perambalur man develops wood stoves as alternative to costly LPG
Tamil Nadu: Perambalur man develops wood stoves as alternative to costly LPG© Provided by The New Indian Express

The stoves, designed and manufactured by 57-year-old S Rahmatullah, are in high demand in the district. Three years ago, Rahmatullah recognised the need for an alternative and established a workshop on Attur Road. With limited formal education but an interest in electronics, Rahmatullah leveraged his experience as an electrician and TV mechanic to make the modern wood stoves as a replacement to gas stoves.

He develops wood-burning stoves equipped with blower technology, ensuring high efficiency, quick cooking, and minimal fuel consumption. The stove, ignited by air from the blower, caters not only to homes but also finds application in hotels in Perambalur and other districts. The price ranges from Rs 5,300 to Rs 2 lakh depending on the specifications.

“I initially made this stove for personal use and found it more efficient than traditional firewood stoves. It requires only 30 per cent of the wood used in conventional stoves. We sell three types of stoves to homes. If people buy firewood for around Rs 500, it will fuel the stove for 4-5 months,” Rahmatullah told TNIE. “The firewood should be cut into small pieces before keeping it in the stove.

The stove with controlled combustion using a blower ensures efficient cooking without a spike in electricity bills. I sell 1-2 stoves per day to hotels and 2-3 stoves to homes. In the last two and a half years I have sold over 2,100 stoves,” he added.

A Naseera Banu, a resident of Vadakkumadevi said, “There are four members in our house. We used to buy a gas cylinder once a month and the prices has been high for a few years. Unable to cope with this, we purchased the modern wood-burning stove two years ago. We have been cooking with it since. It has allowed us to cook faster, at a lower cost, and the taste is even better.”

source: / The New Indian Express / Home> States> Tamil Nadu / by Thiruselvam , Express News Service / January 06th, 2023

L.K. Atheeq to be new Additional Chief Secretary to Karnataka CM


Atheeq L.K. (image credit: Deccan Herald)


The Additional Chief Secretary (Finance) to the Government of Karnataka L.K.Atheeq has been transferred as the Additional Chief Secretary to the Chief Minister of Karnataka with immediate effect.

A order issued on Monday stated that Atheeq will be replacing Dr. Rajneesh Goel as Additional Chief Secretary to the Karnataka CM. Dr. Rajneesh Goel will be the new Chief Secretary of the state.

The press release added that Atheeq, a 1991-batch IAS officer, will also hold concurrent charge as the Additional Chief Secretary of the Finance Department till further orders.

source: / Vartha Bharati / Home> Karnataka / by Vartha Bharati / November 27th, 2023

In a first, Kashmir woman food entrepreneur reaches MasterChef India top 12

Hyderpora (Srinagar) / Pampore, JAMMU & KASHMIR:

Rukhsar Sayeed wishes to see a lot more young Kashmiri girls and boys in MasterChef India.

In a first, Kashmir woman food entrepreneur reaches MasterChef India top 12
Kashmir’s Rukhsar Sayeed.

A 34-year-old woman food entrepreneur has become the first contestant from Kashmir to participate in MasterChef India, a cooking reality show which is being broadcasted on SonyLIV.

Hailing from south Kashmir’s Pampore, where India’s 90 per cent saffron is cultivated, Rukhsar Sayeed has shown a tremendous culinary passion and determination by reaching among the top 12 contestants of the show.

“Breaking barriers and stereotypes I have finally made it to MasterChef India to fulfil my dream. I no doubt had culinary passion since I was a teenager, then the food-specialised education was also at my back but on top of all the support shown by my family was unwavering,” says Sayeed who is currently in Mumbai for the shooting of the show.”

Born and brought up in Srinagar’s Hyderpora, in the year 2010 Sayeed was watching the shows of MasterChef Australia from which she developed the culinary passion and decided to study food technology. “I am on the top of the world to see myself among the top 12 contestants of MasterChef India, the country’s favourite cooking reality show. I am really proud of where I am standing today. I am also overwhelmed to find the support of my family including my husband, parents and in-laws, ” Sayeed tells Moneycontrol.

Calling herself an avid foodie Sayeed has two children while her husband Saqib Javaid Qadri is an assistant executive engineer.

After completing B.Tech in food technology from Islamic University of Science and Technology, Awantipora Sayeed did M.Tech in food technology from Amity University and finally completed her PhD in food technology in 2020.

Sayeed has not only made J&K Union Territory proud by being selected to compete in the prestigious MasterChef India but also expressed her feelings through Kashmiri cuisine and eventually impressed the judges. “So far I had a roller-coaster ride with ups and downs in the kitchen like other contestants but I have made some very good dishes which impressed the judges sitting in the show. I am confident to become the winner of the show because for the first time Kashmiri food is being presented on a large platform. I am trying my best to innovate something with our Kashmiri food. For example, I made Rogan Josh, (mutton dish with red gravy) which apparently does not look Rogan Josh but it does taste like Rogan Josh.”

So far in 11 episodes Sayeed says she made mouth watering cuisines like Babri Boul Falouda (basil seeds drink) usually served during Ramadan in Kashmir, Kashmiri Dhaniwal Korma (lamb curry bursting with coriander) and Kashmiri Dodhe Aal (pumpkin chutney), mesmerizing the judges and celebrity chefs like Vikas Khanna, Ranveer Brar, and Pooja Dhingra.”

Her father M Sayeed Shah says, “It is a dream come true for the whole family. It is a great honour to see her in Masterchef India. I don’t have words to express my happiness. I wish a great future and good luck to my darling daughter.”

Her mother Naseema Kirmani while expressing her happiness says that she is the happiest person to see her daughter in MasterChef India and wishes her best of luck for the show.

Before reaching the MasterChef India show in 2019, Sayeed emerged as the first woman from the Valley to start a frozen food venture — Khalis Foods. “After doing my PhD I was not interested in conventional jobs and therefore I opened a startup to provide people with unadulterated snacks and other healthy foods mainly for children. I along with my six employees are operating from my home in Pampore.”

The young food technologist explains that she is getting to see some of the ingredients for the first time in her life. “I am using some ingredients which are new to me in various foods. For instance, I use some of the popular food ingredients from down south with Kashmiri food.”

Sayeed maintains that being a mother of two children the decision to become a part of Masterchef India show was not easy. “It was a big sacrifice to leave behind my two children at home and participate in the show in Mumbai. I miss my children a lot but I am confident that I will return home as the winner of the show.”

Before getting selected for Masterchef India, Sayeed had participated in the state-level culinary competition and bagged second position in the competition.

She had also served her homemade snacks at an exhibition held at Sheri Kashmir International Convention Centre (SKICC) Srinagar, tickling the taste buds of people around.

In June this year, Rukhsar went through a rigorous audition process before being among the 12 contestants.

For young techie, the MasterChef India journey is a stepping stone in realising her dream of setting up a culinary school in the Valley and creating a chain of restaurants to provide healthy food for the food lovers. “I hope this show can give me limelight and help to boost my food business venture, currently operating in Srinagar. I am also thinking of creating a chain of restaurants in the Valley to provide healthy dishes to people. As a food technologist I am fully conscious of the hazardous preservatives, taste enhancers and food colours that go into our daily food and which is why I lay emphasis on healthy, pure and safe food.”

Regarding her favourite food Sayeed names Hakh (collard green; the staple diet of Kashmir) and Wazwan, (Kashmir’s famous multi-course meal). “Every dish is special but I am in love with Kashmiri food, mainly Hakh especially prepared by my mother and Wazwan prepared by our amazing cook locally known as Waza. From the beginning of my childhood the dishes prepared by my mother in the kitchen have been unmatched.”

Sayeed wishes to see a lot more young Kashmiri girls and boys in MasterChef India. “Since I am the first Kashmiri woman who has reached the famous cooking reality show I would want more people from my homeland to come here and show their food skills.”

She also claims that despite facing criticism from the people in Kashmir she managed to participate in the show to represent the Kashmiri cuisine and culture to a larger audience.

source: / Money Control / Home> News> Trends> Lifestyle / by Irfan Amin Malik / November 05th, 2023

Tibb e Nabawi laid the foundation for future research in healthcare: Dr Razi ul Islam

Malegaon (Nashik District), MAHARASHTRA:

Dr Razi was speaking at the two-day International Conference on Scientific Exploration and Understanding of Tibb e Nabvi organised by Mohammadia Tibbia College and Assayer Hospital at Mansoora in Malegaon Monday December 11, 2023.

Mansoora (Malegaon): 

Tibb e Nabawi is not a complete medical system though Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him) through his teachings laid the foundation for the later stage research in the healthcare system, experts said while addressing an International Conference titled “Scientific Exploration and Understanding of Tibb e Nabavi” in Malegaon Monday December 11, 2023.

“The notion that Tibb e Nabawi is a complete medical system which is sufficient to cure every disease is wrong. But, it is true that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through his teachings highlighted the importance of a healthy society that laid the foundation of future research in healthcare”, Dr Razi ul Islam Nadvi said.

“The Philosophy of Tibb e Nabawi”

Dr Mohammad Raziul Islam Nadvi – a postgraduate in Unani Medicines, is Islamic Scholar, Writer, Translator and an active member of Jamat-e-Islami Hind.

“The Prophet’s idea of healthcare and medical practice were akin to the art that require perfectness and mastery. There are umpteen number of examples when the Prophet (pbuh) during his lifetime encouraged his companions to opt for a skilful tabeeb (doctor) and better medical treatment”, he said.

“The famous Hadith of the Prophet which goes “there is cure for every disease” if not taken at its face value but properly understood encourages A’tibba (pleural of tabeeb meaning doctors) and medical practitioners to continue their research till they succeed”, he said.

Dr Razi was speaking at the two-day International Conference on Scientific Exploration and Understanding of Tibb e Nabvi organised by Mohammadia Tibbia College and Assayer Hospital at Mansoora in Malegaon Monday December 11, 2023.

The first of its kind Tibbe Nabawi conference is attended by doctors, health experts and scholars from India and abroad.

“Contribution of Muslim women in healthcare”

Dr Razi said the Prophet’s message was not limited to male companions but also for the females.

“Hadhrat Rufayda al-Aslamia was used to maintain a hospital during the Prophet’s lifetime. She trained a number of female companions in nursing who used to assist those who are sick or injured in the battlefields”, Dr Razi said.

Rufayda Al-Aslamia (also transliterated Rufaida Al-Aslamiya or Rufaydah bint Sa`ad), believed to be the first female surgeon in Islam, was among the first in Madinah al Munawwarah to embrace Islam. With her clinical skills, she trained other women, including the wife of the Prophet (pbuh) Ayesha, to be nurses and to work in the area of health care.

“This also shows the contribution of Muslim women in the field of medicine and healthcare”, he said.

Dr Razi ul Islam said it was because of the teachings of the Prophet (pbuh) that laid the foundation of healthcare research, Muslims translated the ancient Unani or Greek books on medicines.

“Not only did the Muslims translate these books into Arabic but they also compiled them maintaining unbelievable professionalism”, he said.

“Characteristics of Tibbe Nabawi”

The concept of Tahaarat – purity and cleanliness and hygiene, is one of the key characteristics of Tibb e Nabvi, and the Prophet (pbuh) introduced it at a time when people were unaware of such things.

“By highlighting the importance of a hygienic society, the Prophet’s message clearly was ‘prevention is better than cure’”, Dr Razi said.

“Quarantine was the word which recently became famous during the Covid-19 Pandemic. But it was in practice during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and afterwards”, he said.

The other characteristic of Tibb e Nabavi is ethics in medical practice and healthcare system that the Prophet (pbuh) asked his companions to strictly follow.

“Various clauses of the Hippocratic Oath – the oath of ethics historically taken by physicians, can easily be found in the teachings of the Prophet (pbuh)”, Dr Razi ul Islam said.

“Need of Research on Tibb e Nabawi Based on Scientific Parameters”

Dr Razi further said there is a need of research on the subject based on scientific parameters to make Tibb e Nabawi beneficial for people across the board.

“A tremendous amount of work on Tibb e Nabwi has been done and is still underway around the world especially in the Arab world. However, the focus of these research works is more on Aqeedat and done out of the love and affection to Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)”, Dr Razi said.

“If we want to make Tibbe Nabavi acceptable for people across the board then we have to scientifically prove and establish its effectiveness”, he said.

“There should be a team of doctors who do research and study on Tibb e Nabawi and come with data based on scientific parameters”, he said.

source: / / Home> Health / by news network / December 11th, 2023