South actor Abbas, who was last seen in Appu Pappu in 2010, is returning to Sandalwood with Savaari 2. Ask him what took him so long to do a Kannada film and Abbas, who started his modelling career in Bangalore, says, “It’s not a comeback film. I have never left the industry. I do films as and when I like a script.”
Savaari 2, which is a sequel to Jacob Varghese’s directorial debut Savaari, stars Srinagara Kitty, Sruthi Hariharan, Karan Rao and Girish Karnad, among others. In the movie, Abbas plays the role of a person who has got everything, but is in search of deeper meaning in life.
“It’s an interesting role. I have completed about 80% of shoot,” Abbas says. Apart from Savaari 2, Abbas is currently working in the English-Tamil bilingual Ramanujan and in a Telugu flick called Chori.
source: / The Times of India / Home> Entertainment> Kannada> Movies / by Maitreyee Boruah, TNN / April 09th, 2014