Dhangri Village (Rajouri District), JAMMU & KASHMIR :

Srinagar :
Life has come full circle for a 31-year-old scientist from the border district of Rajouri, who has become one of the youngest Indians to figure on Stanford University’s list of top 2 percent scientists in the world.
Dr. Shakeel Ahmed, Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemistry in Government Degree College, Mendhar, has published research papers on green nanomaterials and biopolymers for various applications including biomedical, packaging, and water treatment.
He has penned more than 15 books on polymers, nanomaterials, and green materials. The database of the independent study has been published in one of the highly-rated journals, `PLOS Biology’. He is a member of American Chemical Society and Royal Society of Chemistry.
“It is a moment of gratification to be on the list. It will inspire the young generation of Jammu and Kashmir to work for furthering science especially from Pir Panjal region”, Dr. Shakeel said.
It was a hard-earned success for a 31-year-old scientist who lost his father when he was just a year old.
“I was just one year old when my father passed away. At that time there was no breadwinner in my family. I had suffered a lot during my childhood and sometimes it was difficult for me to continue my studies. I am first generation learner in my family”, he said.
Principal of GDC, Mendhar, Dileep K. Raina said it is a matter of great pride that Dr Shakeel has featured on the prestigious list. “It is a matter of great pride for Government Degree College Mendhar that Dr. Shakeel Ahmed of the Department of Chemistry (GDCM) has been named among the top 2% scientists of the world in the field of polymer chemistry,” said the college in a statement.
Stanford University recently released a list of 1,59,683 top 2 percent of most-cited scientists in various disciplines. It includes 1,500 Indians and most of them are from IITs, IISc, and other top institutions.
Hailing from Dhangri village, Dr. Shakeel completed his B.Sc from Government PG College, Rajouri. He completed M.Sc in 2012 from Dr. Saiqa Ikram Department of Chemistry, Jamia Milia Islamia. In 2016, he completed his Ph.D. from Jamia Milia Islamia.
For the last three and a half years, he is serving as an assistant professor in GDC, Mendhar in Poonch district. He has authored numerous books that are available on Amazon and other platforms.
Some of the books include `Green and Sustainable Materials: Processing and Characterization’, `Alginates: Applications in the Biomedical and Food Industries and `Marine Polysaccharides: Advances and Multifaceted Applications’.
source: http://www.indiatomorrow.net / India Tomorrow / Home> Education / by Ishfaq-Ul-Hasan , India Tomorrow / Srinagar – November 10th, 2020