Bhopal :
A Jaipur-based seminary, namely Jamea Tul Hidaya, will commence a one-year online English-Speaking Course from October 16.
The formal online inauguration of the Online course was held the other day wherein Islamic clerics from Canada and UK were also guest speakers.
The function was presided over by Maulana Syed Mohammed Rabey Hasani Nadvi, Chancellor Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama, Lucknow, and president of All India Muslim Personal Law Board.
It may be recalled here that Jamea Tul Hidaya recently has started an Online Ifta course and is now starting a one-year online English-Speaking Course.
Jamea Tul Hidaya is a seminary well-known worldwide for imparting theological and contemporary education to its students.
In his key-note address, Maulana Mohammad Fazlur Rahim Mujaddidi, Chancellor Jamea Tul Hidaya, said: “Today is the golden day in the history of Jamea Tul Hidaya. Although the English language is included in the syllabus of the Jamea from primary classes to Aalim, yet feeling its significance, English Speaking Course is going to be started for the alumni of Madaris.
He also said: “Six schools are running under Maulana Abdul Rahim Educational Trust in Jaipur, and more are in the pipeline.
For civil services exams, Crescent Academy for civil services exams was established, where free coaching is being provided to the students. To get benefits from government schemes, and for the political and educational awareness, conferences and seminars were organized in the whole country.”
“In modern times, English has become an international language. Therefore, to ward off religious misunderstandings, it is becoming more and more important to learn this language for economic stability and trade and employment,” he further said.
Maulana (Dr.) Iqbal Masood Nadvi, who was Professor at King Saud University, Riyadh, and is presently living in Toronto (Canada), in his speech said: “Translation cannot be equal to the language from where it has been translated, so we should have the capacity to understand the text in its original language. He also said: “The person who learns the language of others defends himself from any cheating.”
Abdur Raheem Kidwai, Prof. of English and Director UGC Human Resource Development Centre, AMU, said: “Growing numbers of Madrasas are introducing English as a very good subject. But practically there are no trained English teachers as there is total lack of teachers training program, absence of syllabus and textbooks and no language labs”. But he said he has many hopes from this Course of Jamea Tul Hidaya.
He also advised to arrange a comprehensive program integrating all the four skills of the language LSRW, i.e., Learning, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. He assured of giving any support to this program from him and his colleagues.
In his presidential address, Maulana Syed Mohammed Rabey Hasani Nadvi said: “It is a congregation of much importance. It is the high courage of Maulana Fazlur Rahim that he took this work on his shoulders. I hope it will encircle the whole world and benefit the alumni as well as the objective of the Madrasa.” Recalling his association with the founder of Jamea Tul Hidaya, the late Maulana Abdur Rahim, he acknowledged the works done by this institute. He appreciated the endeavours of Maulana Fazlur Rahim Mujaddidi.
Abdul Kareem Gheewala, Islamic scholar and social activist from Leicester (UK), emphasized the importance and significance of the English language. It can help clarify the doubts and criticism about Islamic teachings and practices and propagate Islam’s right spirit and message to the world.
He congratulated Jamea and all those behind the program and appreciated the commitment and dedication shown by Maulana Fazlur Rahim. He was confident that it would become a top-rated course and benefit Islamic scholars in many ways.
Dr. Saud Alam Qasmi, Dean Faculty of Theology in Aligarh Muslim University. (AMU), said: “Maulana Fazlur Rahim Mujaddidi is not only the torch-bearer of Islam in India but has progressive thinking towards the issues related with Muslims. He has taken the initiative for so many things to uplift Muslim society, particularly the younger generation.
He said that the On-line programs, Ifta and English-Speaking Course, are marvellous and this program will help our younger generation acquire the current world knowledge and literature. He also called English the language of opportunities. He said Maulana Fazlur Rahim is a magnetic personality and congratulated him and his team on initiating this English Speaking online course.
Mohammad Iqbal Khan, Director of Crescent Academy for Civil Services Exams, New Delhi, and organizer of this one-year online English-speaking course, described the brief history of Jamea-tul- Hidaya and its founder. He addressed mainly to the students and shared his views on how to learn to speak English better.
The program concluded with Dua to Almighty Allah by Maulana Fazlur Rahim. At the outset, he rendered recitation of the Holy Quran in his melodious voice.
source: http://www.indiatomorrow.net / India Tomorrow / Home> Education / by Pervez Bari / October 10th, 2021